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Coaching helps individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness fosters personal growth, leading to better decision-making and a more fulfilling life.
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Apa kata coachee ?
Rebecca Sumual
What an intense session, my head's fried. Thank you for digging deep and being patient with my mess. With you I've been able to find clarity and gained self-awareness. You truly are helpful.
Ichsan Tobing, MBA, PCC
Ibu Ping menghantar saya pada wacana berpikir yang tidak pernah saya kunjungi sebelumnya. Beliau sangat action oriented, mendorong saya untuk 'walk-the-talk'. Terima kasih bu Ping!
Nathan Parker
I learned with Josh,in my session, that what appears on the surface, is not always the real problem. I learned the value of taking the time to dig deeper, and that, I really appreciate. Thanks so much Josh!
Terima kasih untuk 3 sesi coaching ini. Banyak hal bermanfaat yang saya dapat yang membantu saya dalam bekerja, mampu untuk membuat saya lebih berani dalam menerima tantangan. Terima kasih dan sukses selalu untuk Mbak Natasya :)
Trima kasih atas bantuannya coach.. proses coaching ini sangat membantu saya dalam mengubah pola pikir dalam mengatur waktu dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan baik sehingga dapat lebih berkinerja.
Vincencia Yaned
Sudah baik dan sangat membantu saya dalam memahami diri sendiri. Selalau sabar mendengarkan dan pandai memancing pertanyaan yg membuat saya berpikir "keras"
Arizca Arifiani
terima kasih Coach Afri, sharingnya luar biasa membantu kegalauan di lingkungan kerja, pengalaman coach Afri di bidang pekerjaan yang sama sebelumnya dengan saya cukup memberikan pencerahan buat saya untuk bisa saya aplikasikan. Hal-hal kecil tapi penting membuat saya berfikir kembali untuk tidak gegabah, Terimakasih Coach, sampai ketemu di sesi selanjutnya
Danang M. Nugroho
Sesi coaching ini bagaikan kombinasi detoksifikasi hal2 negatif & eksplorasi hal2 positif dalam diri dengan goal membuka lembaran baru harapan menjadi the best version of my self.
Jannah Tayib
I feel that for so long, no one understands me... I only had to talk to Suzan ONCE, without even sharing intimate details, she was able to grasp ME. It was an amazing session. I dont think I had EVER connected to someone like THAT. Nobody EVER gets me 100%. SUZAN ROCKS!
Nurati Rajab, SS, MM
Coach Alex sangat membantu dan berperan sbg teman bicara yg sangat perhatian, setelah mengikuti coaching saya bisa melihat dan memahami permasalahan dalam diri saya yg selama ini sy tidak ketahui, serta membantu saya menemukan hal2 positif yang sudah ada utk mendapatkan solusi atas masalah yg sy hadapi. Thanks Coach Alex, you are the best???
Ade Ismi Darmayani
Untuk pertemuan pertama saya merasa puas, tanpa terkesan memaksa, namun sangat natural, saya jadi bisa sharpening isi kepala saya sendiri. thankyou coach Irfan..
Gita Mahardhika
Coach Beta menolong saya untuk memahami bahwa mindfulness adalah sebuah skill yang bisa dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Coach Beta juga memberikan langkah-langkah praktis yang bisa saya praktekkan dalam melatih mindfulness. Thank you so much Coach!
Asya -Natasya
In this 2nd Session with coach Thomas, I was in downfall state again, and Coach Thomas with his high patience and presence, he is able to give me a new perspective. Where I thought, nobody has a willingness to support me (especially people I helped before, even I lent them pretty much amount of money very easily..I even gave whole my energy and strength for them, and now they just walked away... I don't mind not being their close friend anymore, as long they all pay back their monetary debts to me if they didn't have the willingness to help me out as I helped them... seriously do pay back your monetary debts to me) in things I would like to achieve, Coach Thomas willing to give his time to walk me through at least 2 of my most priority things to be done. I appreciate Coach Thomas with his support, being calm while attentively seeing me breakdown couple times during the session.
Asya -Natasya
So happy and grateful being coached by Coach Thomas. He is a very attentive listener and also giving save space for me to start something, at least 1 thing, he said even though it's not yet in the perfect form (I'm talking about youtube videos I've been wanting to make alive since last year) Overall, our 1st session is a very fun convenient session where I can easily pouring all out stuff that has been just laying around in my mind and heart. Thank you Coach Thomas
Vanya Brigitta
Another coaching session with Josh , and we talked about Relationships As he helps me to understand more about personal growth and how it shapes my view about relationship in general With simple method he helped me a lot to view relationship from so many sides of perspectives Thanks coach josh! You did awesome ??