Bagaimana coaching memberikan dampak bagi mereka?
Coaching helps individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness fosters personal growth, leading to better decision-making and a more fulfilling life.
Dengarkan beberapa feedback dari mereka
Apa kata coachee ?
Nurul Qamariyyah
Gak tau ya tiap sesi sama mba mita selalu aja ada bikin JLEB. Ada point2 yg gak sama sekali kepikiran. Sesi coaching selalu menyenangkan dan ada point penting yg didapat utk di improve atau diperbaiki.. Thank you so much ya Mba Mita
FATHAN - Coaching Indonesia
Thanks for the good discussion that we had in this past 6 months. Indeed, I learnt a lot and I will commit to implement this in daily and professional life.
Tigor brought me to see from other sides also show me the "root cause" during that session. Thank you very much for your encouragement and help. GBU
Danielle Callier
Such a courageous and caring person who is NOT AFRAID to make you ask hard questions and to go there himself. Josh really listens and helps you pinpoint all your erratic thoughts to a more potent action and goal. Thank GOD for these sessions and their impact on my day to day. God bless!
Arida Moedomo
Coach Wawang sangat membantu memperjelas langkah2 untuk menentukan dan menyusun isi video course Mindfulness dengan detil dan jelas. Tadinya saya melihat proyek ini cukup besar dan jadi overwhelming. Sesudah sesi coaching, jadinya lebih optimis dan tahu perlu mengambil langkah2 apa supaya lancar prosesnya untuk mencapai goal. Many thanks to coach Wawang.
Claudia Mak
I have truly learned a lot from the first session with Josh and one hour is not enough! I believe that people should take coaching sessions instead of therapy sessions that way, we can all do better in life and see the bigger purpose in life! No matter if it is for personal, mental, spiritual, or even physical matters, it's all in the mindset and with Josh's guidance, you can fill in the gaps to achieve your goals yourself.
Munin Widardjo
Didiet facilitated me to better understand what I felt / thought / did, which led me to think through the desire to make positive changes, with clear action items. I feel excited and committed to take the actions to make the positive changes.
Prasetyo Adi Nugroho
Saya menemukan lagi fokus dalam menulis terkait dengan matrix dan target. Bagaimana sebuah pohon yg berdahan, beranting dan berdaun seperti itulah halnya dalam menulis. Kedahsyatan dan kegilaan utk menarik minat pembaca #Wajib Kita kuasai kerena maksimal pembaca hanya punya 25 menit daya tahan dalam membaca. Harus ada kondisi identitas tulisan Kita yg harus mengunci rasa penasaran sekaligus pengingat sampai di mana kedahsyatan tulisan Kita mempengaruhi pembaca. Kotak Pandora lagi-lagi terbuka, terima kasib Coach Wawang ...
rizky abdillah Ramadhan
Sesi - sesi coaching bersama pak wawang, membuat saya semakin bersemangat untuk menulis... Beliau selalu membuat saya menemukan jalan-jalan yang lebih seru dan asik selama perjalanan menulis saya...
Lia Tagor-Johan (L Jo)
A great coaching session as usual. I thank coach Wawang for the powerful questions lead to an awareness. To make the abstract (still in my mind) become concrete (writing). In summary I know what to do next: Complete calendar, give and take support in the group and handling distraction plus start "Dance Again".... In conclusion: Moving Forward.
Fitra Faturachman
Alhamdulillaaah :D Terima kasih banyak Bu Nani Ilmu & praktek Coachingnya Smg sy bisa makin mantap & yakin dgn rencana karier sy dan Smg Bu Nani pun makin sukses lahir-batin, dunia-akhirat, pribadi, karier & keluarga Bu Nani _/|\_
Evo Dea Salaabillah
Sangat membantu dengan cara yang mudah dimengerti dan tidak membutuhkan waktu yang banyak. Coach sangat membantu saya untuk berfokus pada tujuan yang ingin saya dapatkan.
Theofilus Kevin
Ibu Dewayani membantu saya menyadari beberapa mental block yang saya miliki sehingga saya memiliki mindset baru yang akan membantu saya untuk mencapai goal yang saya inginkan
Regina Abraham
Josh is a really great coach. He really asks good questions that makes me realize a lot of things about myself and what i can develop on. looking forward to do another 2 sessions with Josh in the future!
Mikael Putra Perdana Wibowo
Based from the coaching today, I realize that we don't need to be depend to our parents when trying to achieve our dreams because the one who want to achieve is on ourself. If we did it, we will achieve it. I think we need to keep trying hard and prepare for anything that happens in the future because although the challenges seems more difficilis by the time, if we believe that we can make it, then try it. Don't give up because our journey of life is long enough.