Eliminate Bad Habits

Eliminate Bad Habits

Hilangkan kebiasaan buruk dan pikiran negatif agar Anda menjadi orang yang lebih produktif dan berprestasi.

  • Total Sesi: 4 sesi
  • Periode Coaching: 3 bulan
  • Durasi: 60 min
  • Delivery: online

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17 coaches available

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Sugiarti Rosbak
Sugiarti Rosbak

Career & Business Transition Coach

Sugiarti Rosbak, or “Ati”, is an experienced Career & Business Transition Coach with over 20 years in HR. She helps individuals and business owners achieve growth through personalized coaching and consulting. Certified by the International Coaching Federation, Ati specializes in career transitions and business strategy, guiding clients toward sustainable success. Her philosophy, “To Grow the Tree,” embodies her focus on continuous development and maximizing potential.

4.87 (329 reviews)

569.5 hours

304 coachee

Vita Wahid
Vita Wahid

Ikigai, self-growth and life coach

Novita Sofia Wahid, or known as Vita Wahid is a certified Life and Ikigai Coach, an author of the book "Finding Ikigai in my Journey,"a Japanese - Indonesia interpreter

4.78 (118 reviews)

362.25 hours

158 coachee