Youth & Love Coach

Fee Lieng

Self-Growth, Love, Wellness Coaching

Coaching Hours





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Fee believes that every human being is unique, different, and created by God with extraordinary abilities that often him/her self does not realize. So that whatever difficulties and challenges are faced, humans can get through them. What is needed is only to determine which of our abilities will be used to overcome them

Fee also believes that in this life there are no human beings who do not change. Even personalities that are said to be permanent can change because of life experiences and other things that inspire conscience. The only thing that doesn't change is change itself.

With an educational background in the field of psychology which can further help her to see human beings as a whole, organizational experiences that make her work with many young people, as well as work experience in the Learning & People Development can her to help people discover their own abilities and discover what they really are or what they want/look for in life.

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