Fee Lieng

Youth & Love Coach



6.75 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

Fee believes that every human being is unique, different, and created by God with extraordinary abilities that often him/her self does not realize. So that whatever difficulties and challenges are faced, humans can get through them. What is needed is only to determine which of our abilities will be used to overcome them

Fee also believes that in this life there are no human beings who do not change. Even personalities that are said to be permanent can change because of life experiences and other things that inspire conscience. The only thing that doesn't change is change itself.

With an educational background in the field of psychology which can further help her to see human beings as a whole, organizational experiences that make her work with many young people, as well as work experience in the Learning & People Development can her to help people discover their own abilities and discover what they really are or what they want/look for in life.

Apa kata coachee tentang Fee Lieng ?

Obrin Sualang
Obrin Sualang
2 years ago

Coach Fee mampu membawa percakapan menjadi lebih efektif dan fokus pada apa yang harus saya lakukan serta mengeksplorasi ide untuk mengantisipasi faktor-faktor yang mungkin meniadi penghambat tujuan.

Aan Almaidah A, CPC, CGC, JCTC
Aan Almaidah A, CPC, CGC, JCTC
2 years ago

Tks coach Fee karena membuka insight tentang bagaimana cara berkomunikasi dengan didukung data kinerja, aplikasi dan bagaimana strategi menggali cara pandang atasan terhadap saya sebagai leader. Keren banged!

Tuti Alawi - Coaching Indonesia
2 years ago

Coac yang sangat terampil, seru dan paling terpenting ternyaman untuk diajak berbincang🙏😊

Keluarga AJA - Coaching Indonesia
2 years ago

Sesi 1 dg mb fee, 60 menit serasa kurang ya hahah..menurt sy, mb fee sangat komunikatif, memancing tp tidak judging, beliau pendengar y sangat baik, ga sabar pengen ketemu disesi berikutnya

Bagikan profile Fee Lieng
Location Jakarta Member since 11 November 2022 Status Available Gender Female