Meldiana Ayu Restanti




29 Coaching Hours


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Meldiana Ayu Restanti is the CEO and Co-Founder of, CMO and Co-Founder of INATECH. She extremely interested on education, career development, self-growth, business, especially on startup-growth strategies. She brings her several experiences to drive and inspire people toward their goal.

She totally believe her self-trust is an essential piece or deep reliance to cultivate a better relationship with her own ability. She is kind of person who likes testing and exploring everything to find the answer what she wants to be and who she is. In brief, do and explore as many things as often as possible and let it grow with time. 

Other Professions

Business Owner

Other Certifications



Bahasa Indonesia,English

Apa kata coachee tentang Meldiana Ayu Restanti ?

Farda Dzakiyah
3 years ago

Terima kasih Cataliz, khususnya coach Meldi. Setelah mengikuti coaching di Cataliz, semangat untuk branding PK semakin membara, dan semangat dan niat untuk mewujudkan yayasan untuk PK semakin yakin. Bismillah

Bagikan profile Meldiana Ayu Restanti
Location Malang Member since 12 Juni 2021 Status Active Gender Female