Rudy Afandi

Executive/Leadership, Career and Business Coach


Jakarta Selatan

Bergabung, Jan 15, 2021


Completed Session


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Total Review

Rudy Afandi is a seasoned and highly experienced Professional Coach, specializing in Executive/Leadership, Career, and Business development. With a deep passion for helping individuals unlock their full potential, Rudy is dedicated to supporting his clients in making a significant impact on both their personal and professional lives. 

Before transitioning into the field of professional coaching, Rudy built an impressive career in Human Resources, amassing over 15 years of expertise in HR leadership positions within multinational companies. His work took him across various countries, including Indonesia, India, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore. Rudy's last role was as the Chief Human Capital Officer in a prominent telecommunications operator in Indonesia. 

Rudy's coaching philosophy revolves around empathy, authenticity, and positive psychology. He believes in creating a safe and supportive space for his clients to explore their aspirations, challenges, and dreams. By leveraging his extensive HR and leadership background, Rudy brings a unique perspective to the coaching relationship, allowing him to understand the intricacies of the corporate world and the challenges professionals face.  

Throughout his career, Rudy actively participated in and led numerous organization transformation initiatives, both at the corporate level and within HR functions. He firmly believes that a successful transformation begins with aligning all stakeholders on a shared vision, values, and goals. His ability to inspire and mobilize teams towards a common purpose has been instrumental in driving positive change within organizations. 

If you are seeking to elevate your leadership skills, explore new career opportunities, or take your business and function to new heights, take the next step with Rudy.  As your professional coach, he is committed to helping you break through limiting beliefs, discover your untapped potential, and achieve remarkable results.  


Work Experiences

2022-now   Komite Remunerasi & PSDM , Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)
2019-2021  Chief Human Capital Officer, PT XL Axiata Tbk
2015-2019  HR Director, General Electric (GE) Indonesia
2009-2015   HR Director for Supply Chain, Unilever Indonesia
2007-2009  Regional HR Director for Supply Chain, Unilever Asia Africa & Middle East
2006           HR Advisor , Unilever Saudi Arabia
2004           HR Business Partner for Personal Care, Unilever India

Other Professions



S1- Agrobusiness, Institut Pertanian Bogor
S2- Master of Management, Institut Pengembangan Manajemen Indonesia (IPMI)
Non Degree - Japanese Management , Sophia University , Tokyo

Certifications and Credentials

International Coaching Federation - ICF  Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

Other Certifications

7 Habits of Highly Effective People trainer


Gojek, Pertamina, Unilever, Prudential, Elnusa, LPS, Bank Mandiri, Bukit Asam, Indosat,  PT KAI, Astra International, TICMI, Bank Raya, FKS, LPPI, Fonterra, Bank OCBC, Sinar Mas Mining, OJK


Bahasa Indonesia,English

Apa kata coachee tentang Rudy Afandi ?

Tantu Agung - Mitra Pinasthika Mulia
3 weeks ago

Di sesi awal ini, saya dibantu untuk melihat seperti apa leadership style yang saya miliki sekarang dan kedepannya saya mau menjadi leader yang seperti apa. Tentu degan melakukan identifikasi strength dan weakness yang ada untuk menjadi perhatian dalam mencapai goal saya. Melihat opportunity yang ada meskipun berbeda dengan internal strength, yang diharapkan menjadi challenge saya untuk lebih berkembang.

Arief Kurnia Risdianto - Pertamina
1 year ago

Great session, many new insight and boosting the spirit to do only the best for the Company...

Irwan Ekantoro - Pertamina
1 year ago

Terima Kasih Pak Rudy atas coaching yang telah dilakukan. Semoga menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi perusahaan dan Pribadi saya. Diskusi yang dilakuakn sangat memberikan gambaran dan membuat sesuatu frame work yang harusya bisa di implementasikan.

Armelia Agustina
1 year ago

Terima kasih atas sesi 1 (satu) coaching yang sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan kenyamanan saya untuk mencapai target-target dalam hidup khususnya dalam dunia karir. Saya adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak orang yang membutuhkan dorongan positif untuk melangkah ke depan, semoga kalian menemukan coach yang bisa membantu mendorong kalian ke depan.