Life Coach

Andre Genta Senjaya

Career, Self-Growth, Wellness Coaching

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4.9 of 5

KAGEN adalah Seorang Pejuang Cerebral Palsy (lumpuh otak). Terlahir prematur dan mengalami hipoksia (kekurangan oksigen), membuatku hidup dengan Cerebral Palsy (CP). CP adalah kelompok gangguan motorik akibat kelumpuhan otak bagian Cerebral korteks yang sering kali membuat hidupku penuh tantangan.

KAGEN is a Cerebral Palsy Warrior. Being born prematurely and experiencing hypoxia (lack of oxygen), made me live with Cerebral Palsy (CP). CP is a group of motor disorders due to palsy of the cerebral cortex which often makes my life challenging.

Hidup dengan Cerebral Palsy tak membuatku berhenti melakukan aktivitas gerak sehari-hari. Semakin sering bergerak maka hormon bahagia teraktivasi membanjiri otakku yang unik ini. Kecintaanku terhadap aktivitas gerak, membawa saya pada ilmu keolahragaan adaptif yang belum banyak berkembang di Indonesia. Kecintaanku terhadap ilmu ini hadir ketika saya menyadari bahwa ada kompetisi olahraga prestasi setingkat olimpiade untuk insan disabilitas yang biasa disebut Paralympic Games.

Living with Cerebral Palsy doesn't stop me from doing my daily activities. The more often I move, the more activated happy hormones flood my unique brain. My passion for movement activities, brought me to the science of adaptive sports which has not been developed much in Indonesia. My interest for this science came when I realized that there was an Olympic-level achievement sport competition for people with disabilities, commonly called the Paralympic Games.

Saat ini, KAGEN sedang melanjutkan studi program magister psikologi, membuatku bertekad mengedukasi dunia kesehatan mental untuk seluruh pelaku olahraga dan masyarakat umum untuk hidup lebih berdaya.  

Currently, KAGEN is continuing his studies of the master's program in clinical and educational psychology, making me determined to educate the world of mental health for all sports players and the general public to live more empowered lives.

Masalah yang sering ditangani adalah kesulitan belajar, overthinking, kurang percaya diri, cemas akan masa depan, kelelahan fisik dan mental saat melaksanakan berbagai aktivitas sehari-hari, konsentrasi, kejenuhan.

Problems that are often handled are learning difficulties, overthinking, lack of confidence, anxiety about the future, physical and mental fatigue when carrying out various daily activities, concentration, and boredom.

Bersama-sama kita akan meneliti hakikat tiap perkara untuk memetakan solusi melalui proses dialog yang kreatif. Saya percaya bahwa setiap individu memiliki potensi untuk menjadi pribadi yang hebat, maka dari itulah saya ingin membantu anda meraih mimpi dengan memaksimalkan potensi yang ada DALAM DIRIMU !!!  

Together we will examine the nature of each case to map out solutions through a creative dialogue process. I believe that every individual has the potential to become a great person, that's why I want to help you achieve your dreams by maximizing the potential that is WITHIN YOU!!!

Yuk ngobrol santuy sobat :)

Let's chit-chat good friends :)



Magister Psikologi (2019-2022)

Sarjana Psikologi (2014-2018)


Master's degree, Clinical and Educational Psychology (2019-2022)

Bachelor's degree, Psychology  (2014-2018)


Sertifikasi & Kredensial

Professional Coach oleh Coaching Indonesia (2020)

Training for Trainers oleh Asosiasi Pelatih Mental Olahraga Indonesia (2020)  

Sport Psychologist oleh Badan Standardisasi dan Akreditasi Nasional Keolahragaan (2020)

Teletherapist oleh Relationship Matters (2020)

Certifications & Credentials

Certified Professional Coach by Coaching Indonesia (2020)

Training for Trainers by Asosiasi Pelatih Mental Olahraga Indonesia (2020)

Certified Sport Psychologist by Badan Standardisasi dan Akreditasi Nasional Keolahragaan (2020)

Certified Teletherapy by Relationship Matters (2020)



Sekolah Kembali ke Akar



Sekolah Kembali ke Akar




Donor Darah 



Blood donors



Life is about Learning and Giving :D


Master's degree, Clinical and Educational Psychology (2019-2022)

Bachelor's degree, Psychology  (2014-2018)

Sobat CIHO
Aug 2021 – Present 
CIHO (Compassion, Inclusion, Humor, spOrts). The First Adapted Sports Coaching Consultant In Indonesia. We help athletes with disabilities achieve holistic wellbeing through enhancing biopsychosocial performance.

The Hardcore Mental Coach with Cerebral Palsy
Jan 2021 – Present (9 mos)
Associate Coach
Coaching Indonesia
Dec 2020 – Present

Sport Psychology Practitioner with Cerebral Palsy
National Sports Committee of Indonesia
Dec 2020 – Present

Sobat Junzi
Aug 2020 – Present

Mental Coach
Asosiasi Pelatih Mental Olahraga Indonesia (APMOI)
Dec 2017 – Present

Certified Professional Coach by Coaching Indonesia (2020)

Training for Trainers by Asosiasi Pelatih Mental Olahraga Indonesia (2020)

Certified Sport Psychologist by Badan Standardisasi dan Akreditasi Nasional Keolahragaan (2020)

Certified Teletherapy by Relationship Matters (2020)

Apa kata klien

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