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My coaching approach is personalized and client-centered, focusing on creating a supportive and collaborative environment where individuals feel empowered to explore their challenges, identify opportunities for growth, and take meaningful action towards their goals.
My areas of Expertise as follows:
Mindset & Life Strategy Coaching: Through Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques and proven strategies, I help clients overcome limiting beliefs, set clear goals, and develop effective action plans to create the life they desire.
Personal Leadership Coaching: Empowering clients to become strong, confident leaders in both their personal and professional lives. I provide tools and support to enhance self-awareness, communication skills, and decision-making abilities.
Social and Emotional Intelligence Coaching: Understanding the importance of emotional intelligence in personal and professional success, I assist clients in developing essential skills such as empathy, self-regulation, and interpersonal communication, fostering healthier relationships and increased overall well-being.
Ready to embark on your journey towards personal transformation and success? Contact me today to schedule a complimentary consultation and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.
- Instagram: @coachannet
- Email: coachingbyannet@gmail.com
Master of Business Administration (MBA), specialized in Health Care Management - University of Coleman San Diego, USA.
Bachelor Degree of Public Health, University of Indonesia
Certifications and Credentials
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Growth Coach
Certified NLP Master Practitioner
Certified Mindset & Life Strategy Coach
Certified Personal Leadership Coach
Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach
Certified Cognitive behaviour Therapy Practitioner
Certified Acceptance Commitment Therapy Practitioner
PT. Shoppee International Indonesia
Consultan Appraisals Property & Business RSR
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Apa kata coachee tentang Annette Suzanne ?
Saya menemukan byk ilmu baru mengenai kepribadian dan sifat2 orang lain dr sesi bersama coach Annette, yang dimana membuat fikiran saya lebih terbuka dan tidak melulu berfokus pada emosi saya yg tak terkontrol. Beliau byk sekali tips2 yg baik, smg dengan hal ini saya bisa cepat membaik kondisinya Thanks Coach
For this session Coach again guided me who was still behind in how to learn, so that I was encouraged to be better for optimal learning achievement and direction. Thank you Coach for the support to move forward! 🙏
Baru sesi pertama bareng Mba Annet tapi sudah eye-opening sekali…thank you mba for being so kind and gentle in listening my quarter life crisis problem❤️ eventhough the pill is hard to swallow but I am forever grateful to share my stories with you. I’m currently doing well because of you!
Coach annet bener-bener ngebantu bgt untuk membuka pikiran/wawasan. Awalnya bingung gimana mau nentuin step step yg mau dilakuin. Terima kasih ya coach, semoga bisa tetap konsisten untuk bisa achieve smua point2 yang mau dicapai.
Dewi R. S
Coaching pertemuan pertama yg sangat baik dan berkesan banyak memberi pencerahan untuk mencapai mimpi dan masa depan yang baik.thank you.
Yeni Ang
Annette has consistently demonstrated her reliability and trustworthiness when it comes to handling personal matters. Which allows client to open up and shares their thoughts and concerns freely Overall I highly recommend Annette as a coach.
Ayu Bpn
Bisa coaching dengan Coach Ann merupakan hal baik yang terjadi di saat hidup benar benar lagi kalutnya. Coach Ann menyadarkan saya kualitas diri apa yang saya punya, membantu saya menenangkan hati dan pikiran yang ribut serta Membantu memperjelas keputusan seperti apa baiknya yang harus saya ambil. Sehat sehat selalu Coach Ann ♥️
Coach nya sabar menghadapi saya 😂👍🏻