Ari Kristanto

Sales, Leadership and Career Coach



9.25 Coaching Hours


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Meet Ari Kristanto, your experienced Sales Training Manager with an impressive 13-year track record in sales, sales training, soft skill development, learning and development, and sales operation excellence within multinational companies.

As your coach, Ari is an attentive and active listener, striking a perfect balance between task-oriented focus and people-centric leadership. His enthusiasm for developing individuals across all experience levels, from millennials to seasoned professionals, is infectious. He is truly passionate about nurturing people and witnessing their growth.

With a keen capability in sales data analytics, sales execution, and monitoring, Ari's journey began as a Sales Representative in the Pharmaceutical industry, paving the way for him to new heights as Sales Training Manager in the Nutritional and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods sector.

Armed with a certification as an Executive Coach, Ari actively coaches internal employees, and also contributing his expertise to the esteemed Kampus Merdeka Student Internship Program, and is dedicated to empowering others to achieve their goals.

Ari's journey of personal and professional growth is mirrored in his college years at Gadjah Mada University, where he actively engaged in several organizations, notably as the Head of Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam and Kepala Divisi Konservasi Secretariat Bersama Pecinta Alam Yogyakarta.

With Ari as your coach, embark on a transformative journey where success becomes not just a destination but an exhilarating adventure of growth and achievement. His vision and leadership will empower you to break boundaries, unleash your true potential, and pave the way for remarkable accomplishments.


Gadjah Mada University, Biology

Certifications and Credentials

Certified Executive Coach
Certified Professional Coach
Neuro Linguistic Program Practitioner (NLP)
Professional Selling Skill Trainer
Professional Negotiation Skill Trainer


Bahasa Indonesia,English

Apa kata coachee tentang Ari Kristanto ?

nurul khalishah
8 months ago

Sesi coaching bersama coach Ari sama sekali enjoy, tidak takut untuk terbuka bercerita mengenai topik yang ingin dibahas. Baru pertama kali coach udah ngerasa tersolve apa yang sedang saya ragukan dan saya permasalahkan. Cant wait for the next session ^^

Karina Permata
8 months ago

Sesi coaching ini adalah jawaban sempurna untuk mahasiswa tingkat akhir seperti saya. Sungguh melegalan rasanya bisa menyampaikan tujuan dan rencara karir saya setelah saya lulus kuliah nanti. Serta diberikan feedback agar lebih terarah dan on track kedepannya. Pak Ari salah satu coach terbaik yang pernah saya punya. Beliau pendengar yang baik namun juga sangat realistis dalam memberikan feedback. Good job pak Ari! terus menjadi coach yang menginspirasi semua orang nggih pak✨

Fajari Fauzan Hasibuan
8 months ago

Pengalaman coaching dengan Coach Ari sangat mengesankan. Sangat membantu menggali potensi yang ada di diri saya untuk menentukan goal di masa depan. Dan yang terpenting coaching terasa sangat enjoy, langsung bisa menyesuaikan pace pembicaraan sehingga coaching menjadi nyaman. Looking forward for the next coaching session, Coach!

Mirna Syahri
3 years ago

Sesi coachingnya sangat membantu untuk menemukan clarity goal saya.

4 years ago

coach Ari sangat baik membawa saya mendalami masalah saya dengan pertanyaan2 yang sangat tajam thanks & sukses selalu coach...

Bagikan profile Ari Kristanto
Location Bekasi Member since 14 Juli 2020 Status Available Gender Male