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Everybody has to start somewhere. May that somewhere be a place of love and respect. Not a place of fear nor desperation. – The LEGOWO Project
A pivotal point in her health condition made Beta take a conscious decision to work on her wellbeing. She has always known that physical and mental health needs to be in sync with each other. However, it’s something that she used to take for granted. Stuffing things under the carpet to be crossed only whenever she sees the bridge. So, for over 6 months she worked consistently to transform her wellbeing. Working on her physical and mental wellness. As the result of it, her physical health improved significantly as well as her mental wellness. As the bonuses, she can play 3 songs on Ukulele, gone back to her ideal healthy weight and plus all the new good habit has become her lifestyle.
Transforming one’s wellbeing is a conscious effort. Rewiring our brain to create new habit is harder, making it a long lasting habit is even harder. There are so many pits stop in our lives. Came across so many intersections. Restarting every now and then. Having someone to be an accountability partner can make a big difference.
Where ever you are, whether everything is great and you just want a new outlook or you feel you need to step back to charge and improve your personal/professional life, Beta will meet you there. She will work side by side with you to get to a place where you can start or restart your journey.
Beta has spent over 23 years as an advertising professional working in Jakarta, Mumbai, Colombo and Singapore. Her advertising background, her passion for writing, yoga, dancing and curiosity in human behavior bring to the table a blend of unique approach to overall wellbeing improvement that will impact your personal and professional life.
Through training, coaching and mentorship, Beta helps in empowering, shifting the mindset and unlocking the potential to achieve measurable goal.
Beta has facilitated trainings and workshops on Creative Thinking and Leadership and has been a speaker and judge in various creative festivals.
Founder of The LEGOWO Project, an initiative platform to empower people to flow with life in mindfulness and reach a place where they can start their journey from a place of love, compassion and respect. She also founded TABETA Creative Space – an initiative to celebrate cultural adversities through creative writing. Commissioned by The Ministry of Education of The Republic of Indonesia, Beta has conducted Creative Writing workshops across Indonesia. She has penned short stories published in The Jakarta Post and an e-book on Creative Writing Guidelines for Vocational School (KeMenDikBud).
Beta is a Certified Professional Coach, Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Licensed Trainer & Practitioner of Intuitve Coaching Cards, Author and Storyteller.
Apa kata coachee tentang Beta Perwata ?
Sabina Sitran
Beta brings a cheeky spirit of curiosity and playfulness to coaching session. She used the coaching cards that really helped me to come up with my own answers in a unusual and impactful way. In this way, transformation was evoked. Beta holds a space in which I get to examine my own thoughts from different perspectives with a trusted partner. I've finished my session feeling that it produced valuable insights. She is a really great coach.
The session was great, the coach has ignited my awareness of the situation and how to handle it.
Jemma Jadwani
My sessions with Beta were extremely helpful in helping me formulate the most important goals for myself for the near future, as well as how I can clearly and logically reach those goals in the time frame that I have given myself. She is professional and insightful and I found myself opening up and talking freely with her right from the beginning of our sessions. Our discussions were free flowing and organic, almost as if speaking to a friend who I look up to. Most importantly, the sessions have given me the tools and motivation to continue to work on the goals, even after the sessions have ended. Overall I had a very pleasant experience and will certainly be consulting her again to help me reach my next set of goals.
Gita Mahardhika
Coach Beta menolong saya untuk memahami bahwa mindfulness adalah sebuah skill yang bisa dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Coach Beta juga memberikan langkah-langkah praktis yang bisa saya praktekkan dalam melatih mindfulness. Thank you so much Coach!