Find the Right Coach in Career Coaching

Cakupan coaching: menemukan kejelasan karier, strategi mendapatkan pekerjaan, membangun personal brand, persiapan pensiun, memaksimalkan potensi diri, dan hal lain terkait karier dan pekerjaan.

Gita Mahardhika

Gita Mahardhika

Recovery and Self Expression Coach

Gita percaya setiap orang memiliki hak untuk pulih dan mengekspresikan diri terbaiknya.

Benita Theda

Benita Theda

Self-Growth - Corporate - Career Coach & Mentor

HR Business Consultant | Professional Coach and Mentor

M Nur Fannie Prasetyo

M Nur Fannie Prasetyo

Executive & Business Coach

Prast is Executive, Leadership & Business Coach. Prast has been doing his career as a Coach since 2014. Now Prast holds ICF Professional Certified Coach & Registry Coach Mentor

Robby Lasman, SE, M.Si, ACC

Robby Lasman, SE, M.Si, ACC

Executive, Business & Career Coach

With a wealth of experience as a seasoned Management Consultant from the Big Four, Robby Lasman takes immense pride in guiding each of his clients on a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and empowerment. He is dedicated to helping individuals, Organizations, and Businesses to transform, not only unlock their hidden potential but also skillfully navigate the intricate web of complexities.

Ananda Prilianti

Ananda Prilianti

Corporate Leadership and Self Growth Coach

Leadership and Self-Growth Coach. Passionate in helping people removing their barriers and finding the best qualities of themselves.

Ichsan Tobing, MBA, ACC

Ichsan Tobing, MBA, ACC

Leadership, Career, Business Coach

Accomplished corporate leader & entrepreneur with 37 years' experience, from frontliner to C-suite. Disruptive innovator. Certified ACC coach with 730+ coaching hours, serving Indonesia, USA, Canada.

Nur Hanifah

Nur Hanifah

Executive & Career Coach

Nur Hanifah, ACC, a former teacher turned transformative coach, ignites growth in diverse individuals through leadership, career, and self-growth coaching. Impactful & empowering!

Reni Dwi Wahyuni

Reni Dwi Wahyuni

Corporate and Career Coach

Coach Tere, a seasoned Corporate & Career Coach with an extensive 350+ hours of coaching expertise. A specialist in Personal Growth, Leadership, and Career development, Tere employs a thoughtful and amicable methodology. Diligently attuned to your needs, she is friendly, all ears, and adeptly collaborates to devise strategies for clients towards triumph over obstacles. Engage with Tere through Visecoach to embark on a profound journey of transformation, propelling you closer to your aspirations.

Josh Alexander

Josh Alexander


Josh Alexander is both a professional illusionist and life & love coach that helps others turn ordinary into extraordinary in their lives. He uses his experience of over fifteen ye

Sugiarti Rosbak

Sugiarti Rosbak

Career & Business Transition Coach

Sugiarti Rosbak, dikenal sebagai "Ati", merupakan Career & Business Transition Coach berpengalaman. Dengan latar belakang 20 tahun sebagai praktisi HR di perusahaan multinasional, Ati memiliki keahlian dalam mendampingi individu dalam transisi karir. Pengalamannya bertransisi dari korporasi ke entrepreneurship memperkaya pendekatannya dalam coaching yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien. Filosofi "To Grow the Tree" mencerminkan keyakinannya dalam potensi setiap individu.

Muti Sutojo

Muti Sutojo

Professional Coach

Previously work at Financial Industry. Currently self employed as facilitator, coach and associate business partner

titik setiati

titik setiati

Life & Parenting Coach and Corporate Coach

Lebih dari 25 tahun mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Ibu yang bekerja di perusahaan multinasional. Meniti karir dimulai dari seorang sekretaris hingga jabatan terakhir sebagai "Vice President Human Resources & General Affair". Karir baru sejak tahun 2014 sebagai "Corporate Coach" dan tahun 2018 memfokuskan diri pada "Life & Parenting Coach" karena meyakini bahwa dengan perubahan jaman dan banyaknya informasi dewasa ini, metode “coaching” membantu terbentuknya hubungan harmonis dalam keluarg