Lenny R Marlina, PC, CPC, CGC

Self Growth and Career Coach


Kota Bogor

138.25 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

Lenny initially graduated in telecommunication and began her career as an IT programmer. Lenny has extensive experience in Human Resources, spanning over 20 years, during which she was involved in recruitment, career development, and talent management.

Throughout her career, Lenny has come to realize the importance of continuous self-development and lifelong learning for personal growth and success. To assist employees in their growth, she implemented coaching methods as part of career development programs in her previous company.

Lenny has achieved several certifications related to coaching, including Certified Professional Coaching in 2020, BNSP Practioner Coaching in 2022, and Certified Growth Coaching in 2023. She is also working towards obtaining credentials from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Despite facing challenges, Lenny attributes her success as good  planner, persistence, confidence in decision-making,  surrounding herself with positive friends, and always believe everything happened as  guidance from The Almighty, Allah SWT.

In terms of personality, Lenny is described as a Sanguine and possesses qualities like being a good listener and planner. She is open to new and challenging experiences and offers her services as a personal coach, with a particular focus on empowering women and encouraging them to grow alongside her.

Work Experiences

- Professional Coach (Now)
- Employee of State Own Company PT Telkom (1997 - Now) :
   - HR Recruit, Career & Talent Management Manager, Telkom Property, Subsidiary of PT Telkom (2017 - 2022)
   - HR Development Manager, Telkom Property, Subsidiary of PT Telkom (2014 - 2017) 
   - Internship in Felda Global Venture Malaysia as Global Talent Program Participant, PT Telkom (2013)
   - HR Development Officer, Sumatera Region Division, PT Telkom (2003 - 2013)
   - Financial Performance Staff, Kandatel Pematang Siantar, Sumatera Region Division, PT Telkom (2000 - 2003)
   - IT Staff, Sumatera Region Division, PT Telkom (1998 - 2000)


Telecommunication Engineering, STTTelkom (1997)

Certifications and Credentials

- Road to ICF ACC Certification, Now
- Certified Growth Coaching (AGCCP 1), Coaching Indonesia, 2023
- Certified BNSP Profesional Coach (PC), LKP Anshana Coaching Indonesia, 2023
- Essence of Life Practitioner Program, Muslim Women Coaching, 2022
- Certified Professional Coaching (PCCP 72), Coaching Indonesia, 2020


Student, College Student, Job seeker, Employee, Teacher,  Housewife, Small & Medium Enterprise Business Women, Empowered Women

Apa kata coachee tentang Lenny R Marlina, PC, CPC, CGC ?

Luthfi Awaliah
3 months ago

Disetiap obrolan yang disampaikan dipenuhi dengan saran dan evaluasi yang sangat jelas dan bermakna. Terima kasih untuk kesempatannya, bu.

Septri Aura Fanesa
3 months ago

Coach Lenny sgt membantu saya dalam membuat perencanaan karir saya. Terima kasih coach telah sabar dalam membantu saya

Yasmin Rizky Fairuza
10 months ago

Great insight and advice. Helps me solve the current situation that I'm facing.

Savira Azhara Andavia
10 months ago

Coach membantu mengarahkan penyelesaian masalah sehingga Coachi lebih mudah untuk mengenal problem dan kendala dalam berkomunikasi. Merasa lega karena problem yang selama ini disimpan sendiri dapat dibantu untuk ditangani. Adapun untuk hasil implementasi setelah seminggu menerapkan hasil dari coaching sesi 1, komunikasi dengan rekan semakim efektif dan nyaman.

Fuji Fahrizki Tadeo
Fuji Fahrizki Tadeo
10 months ago

Thanks Coach Lenny. Really helpful to clear my vision. Yang awalnya banyak banget yang harus dituntaskan, menjadi sederhana dan mudah dilaksanakan. What a Great Session!!

Siti Mutia
10 months ago

Coaching ini melatih diri secara lebih baik, untuk memimpin diri sendiri, menyesuaikan dengan kondisi saat ini agar terus tumbuh dan berkembang, mengaktualisasikan ide dan gagasan. Sehingga seseorang itu dapat mengandalkan dirinya sendiri dalam menghasilkan sebuah keputusan dan tindakan yang lebih baik lagi dimasa mendatang dan membawa perubahan secara berkala.

Anggun Nurul Izzati
10 months ago

Sesi coaching nya menstimulus saya untuk melakukan tahap-tahap dengan sabar dan semangat

10 months ago

Sesi 1 , Alhamdulillah berjalan lancar. Saya sangat bersyukur kepada Allah SWT bisa ngobrol2 sama ibu terkait yang di alami dalam berkerja.. Metode dan penyampaian coaching sangat bagus, sehingga termotivasi dan semangat dalam melakukan perubahan yang lebih baik, disamping itu mental saya menjadi lebih kuat dari arahan yang disampaikan. terima kasih ibu. sampai ketemu lagi di sesi yg ke dua😍😊🙏

Bagikan profile Lenny R Marlina, PC, CPC, CGC
Location Kota Bogor Member since 5 April 2020 Status Available Gender Female