Danny Wangsahardja

Executive/Business/Sales Coach


Tangerang Selatan

924.5 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

Danny is a senior coach and facilitator with more than 30 years experience in the corporate world. Danny has expertise in executive transformation, neuro-leadership, team and talent development, strategic management and interpersonal communication across industry such as banking and finance, insurance, oil and gas, telecommunication, consumer goods, manufacturing, and consulting. In 2003, after serving as Country Manager for Hilti in Indonesia, Danny has decided to enable others in finding their inner most potential. Discovering that the most important think in life is life itself. Then what kind of life? It is a quality of life. When the quality of life of a CEO is reached then he or she could walk the talk and be a role model. The most important task of the CEO is to develop people. The people will do their most important task is to help clients succeed. The clients will do their most important task is to partner in business. Finally, the business will support the CEO looks great. Danny holds a Master’s degree in General Management from Prasetiya Mulya University, Jakarta and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Michigan Technological University, Houghton.

Work Experiences

Business Development Director at Kelly Services Indonesia ( 2014-2016)

Associate Partner at Dunamis Organisation Servives ( 2004-2014)

Country Manager, Hilti Nusantara ( 2000-2003)

General Manager, ABB Sakti Industri ( 1990-2000)

Service & Sales Support Engineer, Karlkolb/ Carl Zeiss ( 1989-2000)

Field Engineer, ARCO ( 1985-1988)

Other Professions



Master in Management from Prrasetiya Mulya University

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Michigan Technological University

Certifications and Credentials

Professional Certified Coach ( ICF)

Certified Coach Supervisor

PCC Assessor

BNSP Assessor

Other Certifications



Various indusrty within FSI, Natural Resources, Infrastuctures, Professional Services, Manufacturing


Bahasa Indonesia,English

Apa kata coachee tentang Danny Wangsahardja ?

Marisamy K - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

This coaching program has helped me to refresh and revalidate my thoughts & assumptions towards handling team and my relationship with other stakeholders. I could reframe my approach to build better relationship with people and enhance my listening skill. My sincere thanks to Pak Danny who made the program very simple , but very effective . I have really enjoyed every session and the conversations with him enriched my knowledge on relation building and leading the team .

Elke Sunarta - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

Hal yang paling berkesan ketika saya merasa tidak yakin dengan apa yang saya pikirkan dan lakukan adalah ketika Coach Danny memberikan ilustrasi awal dan akhirnya pikiran saya meramu itu dan menyambungkan dan berkembang dengan ilustrasi yang saya dapat dalam pikiran saya, membuat saya semakin yakin bahwa kekuatan dalam diri saya bisa benar-benar terkembangkan dan akhirnya saya menjadi memiliki fondasi yang kuat mengapa saya harus berpikir dan melakukan itu.

Ella Cecillia
3 years ago

I enjoyed the coaching session with Pak Danny. He was kind, humorous, warm, and not intimidating, which allowed me to open up easily on my challenges and anxiety.

DERY ANDIKA SAPUTRA - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

Dear Pak Danny. Thanks a lot for your guidance in this session. This session give enlightenment and inspiration for myself. Not only to clarify past experience that has been shared to you however it also clarify how I prepare for my future self. Regards, Deri

3 years ago

Sesi coach ini sangat menyenangkan karena penggunaan komunikasi yg mudah dicerna dan sesuai dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Dan yg disampaikan oleh coach selalu out of the box, dengan memberikan perumpamaan, sehingga hal tersebut membuka pemikiran saya. Saya merasa sangat mendapatkan manfaat atas sesi ini. Terima kasih coach

3 years ago

Thru 6 coaching sessions, I have understanding on how coaching session play important role to triggered my self awareness also encourage self development commitment to achieve individual and organization objectives. As Coach, Pak Danny consistently provide his big support thru I-GROW methodology and provide observations on my progress very well. I believe more understanding about Coaching from the beginning session will help to boost the result of the coaching journey in the future. Thanks Pak Danny & Coaching Indonesia!

Muhammad Shalahuddin - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

Sesi coaching dengan Pak Danny Wangsahardja sangat membuka pikiran saya. Setelah sesi coaching ini saya bisa lebih memahami cara untuk membalancing antara perasaan dan pikiran, sebab waktu terus berjalan dan harus segera diambil tindakan yang paling bijak. Terimakasih Banyak Pak Danny.

Umi Kalsum - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

Coaching itu menarik ya. Coaching bisa "memaksa"ku melakukan sesuatu yang baik untukku. Diskusi coach, dapat banyak insight, termasuk untuk mengatasi masalah organisasi.

Bagikan profile Danny Wangsahardja
Location Tangerang Selatan Member since 24 Maret 2020 Status Available Gender Male