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For three decades, Delly has been a dedicated force in helping individuals develop and thrive in their professional careers. As a revered facilitator at the prestigious International Personality Development Institution, she has been instrumental in guiding numerous individuals towards unlocking their best potential and achieving true self-acknowledgment.
With an illustrious background in sales at multinational and telecommunication giants, Delly boasts over 25 years of experience as a tough, resilient salesperson. Her journey culminated with an esteemed position as Sales Vice President, where she mastered the art of business development, service management, and fostering enduring customer relationships. Working with diverse individuals and teams, she has been a driving force behind their business successes.
Throughout her tenure, which began in 1985 and continues to this day, Delly has been unwaveringly committed to visionary leadership, outstanding communication, and exceptional interpersonal skills.
Fueling her own growth and fulfillment, Delly now revels in her role as a professional coach. Her passion lies in helping individuals achieve their personal and professional aspirations, empowering them to discover their inner strength and untapped potential.
Join Delly on this transformative journey to attain your goals and become the best version of yourself. With her expert guidance and unwavering support, you'll unlock new horizons and embrace a life brimming with success and fulfillment. Discover the power of coaching with Delly and embark on a remarkable path towards unparalleled growth and achievement.
With an illustrious background in sales at multinational and telecommunication giants, Delly boasts over 25 years of experience as a tough, resilient salesperson. Her journey culminated with an esteemed position as Sales Vice President, where she mastered the art of business development, service management, and fostering enduring customer relationships. Working with diverse individuals and teams, she has been a driving force behind their business successes.
Throughout her tenure, which began in 1985 and continues to this day, Delly has been unwaveringly committed to visionary leadership, outstanding communication, and exceptional interpersonal skills.
Fueling her own growth and fulfillment, Delly now revels in her role as a professional coach. Her passion lies in helping individuals achieve their personal and professional aspirations, empowering them to discover their inner strength and untapped potential.
Join Delly on this transformative journey to attain your goals and become the best version of yourself. With her expert guidance and unwavering support, you'll unlock new horizons and embrace a life brimming with success and fulfillment. Discover the power of coaching with Delly and embark on a remarkable path towards unparalleled growth and achievement.
Other Professions
Certifications and Credentials
Certified Executive Coach
Certified Sales Coach
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Coaching Competence - BNSP
Other Certifications
Certified Master Trainer - BNSP
Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP)
Bahasa Indonesia,English
Apa kata coachee tentang Deliany S C Nelwan ?
Aisyah Qonita - Coaching Indonesia
Ka Delly, sangat membantu mengarahkan terutama dalam pertanyaan2 yang diajukan untuk menggali jawaban
Aisyah Qonita - Coaching Indonesia
Pengalaman coaching pertama saya dengan Ka Delly super insightful. Saya merasa pikiran yang ruwet dan abstrak di kepala saya selama ini mulai dapat ditarik untuk mulai terurai, terima kasih banyak Ka Delly dan Coaching Indonesia.
Widiyawati - Coaching Indonesia
Coaching yang sangat menarik dan menyenangkan. Saya mendapat perspective baru bagaimana memahami anak didik sehingga bisa melakukan penilaian yang lebih mendalam . Saya menjadi lebih yakin bahwa apa yang sedang saya pelajari tentang pedidikan kuhusunya anak usia dini sudah berada di jalan yang tepat.
Titik Nuraniyah - Coaching Indonesia
Ini Pengalaman pertama saya menjadi coachee, dan saya semakin paham dengan caoching karena saya mengalami sendiri sebagai caochee. Setelah di caoching oleh Bu Delly saya merasa plong dan saya baru menyadari jika kegalauan dalam diri saya itu karena pikiran dan perasaan saya sendiri. Dengan proses coaching ini saya jadi lebih memahami tentang diri saya dan saya menjadi lebih semangat untuk segera menyelesaikan permasalahan yang saya hadapi, Terima kasih Bu Delly untuk pengalaman coaching nya, laur biasa 👍👍
Caroline Sekarwati
Saya sangat terbantu untuk dapt melihat lebih dalam akan akar permasalahan saya. Terima kasih Coach Deli
Rudy Afandi
Coach Delliany has powerful and structured questions that can stimulate new insights. Thank you coach Delly, It was very impactful coaching session and I look forward to our next schedule.
Trima kasih atas bantuannya coach.. proses coaching ini sangat membantu saya dalam mengubah pola pikir dalam mengatur waktu dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan baik sehingga dapat lebih berkinerja.
Natalia Madiarti
Coach membantu coachee untuk menggali rasa takut dan tidak percaya diri yang selama ini sebenarnya ada namun tidak diselesaikan, hanya ditutupi. Perlu keberanian dan komitmen untuk menunjukkan kompetensi diri itu, dan memang selama ini coachee enggan mengungkapkan dan mengekspresikan diri secara maksimal karena satu dan lain hal, antara lain pergulatan di dalam hati/diri coachee mengenai hal-hal yang dirasa tidak sesuai. Motivasi dan dorongan yang disampaikan oleh coach agar coachee berani untuk menyatakan apa yang diinginkan, sekaligus menampilkan kompetensi, merupakan pengingat yang sangat baik, dan coachee berkomitmen untuk mengupayakannya. Terima kasih Coach Delly, untuk setiap inspirasi dan bombongan motivasi yang diberikan. :)