Denny Simano

Business Growth Automation


Jakarta Barat

810.25 Coaching Hours


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Coach Profile :

Coach Denny Simano is a seasoned Certified Business Coach and a dynamic Entrepreneur, renowned for his remarkable journey of building businesses to national prominence.

With an extensive career spanning over 18 years across both the corporate and entrepreneurial landscapes, Coach Denny boasts a versatile skill set that encompasses multinational and national enterprises. His expertise extends across diverse domains including finance, marketing, sales, branding, operations, human capital management, and cutting-edge system implementation.

Driven by an unwavering passion for business excellence and a harmonious life, Coach Denny is on a mission to empower Business Owners to cultivate Profitable & Auto-Pilot ventures, propelling them towards the coveted goals of Financial Independence and Time Flexibility.

Key Achievements:

1. Achiever of Professional and Entrepreneurial Success

As the visionary Founder and CEO of a pioneering system implementation company, Coach Denny has steered over 2000+ clients towards integrated business systems, orchestrating a staggering 5X revenue surge within a mere 2-year span. These innovative systems are meticulously designed for automation and scalability, revolutionizing how businesses function.

In his prior role as General Manager at a multinational company headquartered in Austria, with a bustling Singapore branch, Coach Denny led his team to accomplish a remarkable 268% revenue escalation, effortlessly surpassing annual targets in under a year.

2. Global Perspective in Business Acumen

Coach Denny's impact reverberates across both national and multinational sectors. He has orchestrated transformative training and system implementations for prestigious entities such as OPPO, Blue Bird Group, Benelli, and Indonesia Trading Company (ITC), leaving an indelible mark on their operational efficiency.

His rich experience spans a gamut of business paradigms — from the intricacies of Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) dynamics, to the intricacies of navigating Business-to-Government (B2G) landscapes. This broad-spectrum expertise enables Coach Denny to uncover hidden vulnerabilities and offer pragmatic solutions, fostering unprecedented efficacy and resource optimization.

3. Continuous Pursuit of Excellence

Coach Denny embodies the belief that personal growth fuels business expansion. As a result, his business coaching sessions are transformative experiences, propelling both professional advancement and the enrichment of personal well-being.

Holding a Master's Degree (M.M) in Management from a prestigious Indonesian university, Coach Denny graduated Cum Laude with an impressive GPA of 3.93 out of 4.

A master practitioner of Contextual Leadership, Coaching Skills, Effective Communication, Personal Productivity, Partnership Building, and Change Leadership, Coach Denny integrates these principles seamlessly into his own business ventures and any environment he engages with.

A Pathway to Success

For Coach Denny, facilitating individual & businesses to achieve Profitable & Auto-Pilot operations is not just a vocation; it's a deeply rooted commitment to constant evolution. Through perpetual learning and refinement, he elevates both his craft and the businesses he touches, making an enduring impact on the world of entrepreneurship and leadership.

Other Professions

Lecturer,Business Owner,Financial Planner,Accountant,Recruiter


Master Degree (S2) Magister Management (Economic and Business) Graduated Cum Laude (GPA 3.93 of 4)

Certifications and Credentials

Certified Professional Coach (Coaching Indonesia) -30 Hours (ACSTH)
Certified Business Coach (Coaching Indonesia) - 35 hours (ACSTH)
Certified Hypnosis
Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified Jurnal Academic Partner
Certified Accurate Professional
Certified Master NLP Practitioner
Certified NLP Trainer


Bahasa Indonesia,English

Layanan Coaching dari Denny Simano

Leading Millennial Team
Leading Millennial Team

4 kali sesi coaching one-on-one untuk menemukan pendekatan terbaik dalam memimpin tim millennials....

Starting a New Business for Millennials
Starting a New Business for Millennials

Sukses memulai bisnis bagi kamu sebagai millennial yang punya jiwa entrepreneurship....

Apa kata coachee tentang Denny Simano ?

Elvina Puspa Sari Goey
1 year ago

My biggest learning is: dulu saya kurang paham mengenai sistem dr marketing sales skrg sdh jadi paham. Saya jga belajar ttg 4 kaki yg hrs dikuasai di dlm bisnis. Terbentuk sistem KPIM reward & konsekuensi utk memberikan semangat team & juga memberikan kenyamanan utk kita sendiri dlm mengontrol anak buah

Alvin Zamzami - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

bisnis saya adalah bisnis sosial yang sangat berat tantangannya, sebelum coaching saya merasa saya hanya seorang diri untuk bisa menyelesaikan masalah dalam tim, saya menyadari bahwa saya pribadi mempunyai kelemahan sehingga akhirnya berdampak tidak bisa membuat suatu tim yang solid dan setelah sesi coaching sedikit demi sedikit dirubah dengan memulai membuat schedule yang harus dikerjakan oleh pribadi dan yang mana pekerjaan didelegasikan kepada tim

Agung Gunawan - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

Sesi Coaching bersama coach Deny sangat membantu saya dalam mengubah mindset saya yang ternyata selama ini salah dan coach deny memperingatkan hal tersebut serta memberitahu bagaimana mindset yang benar tersebut

Agung Gunawan - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

Sesi coaching membantu saya dalam menentukan perihal apa saja yang harus diutamakan agar dapat mencapai tujuan hidup secepat mungkin

Agung Gunawan - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

Coaching yang kedua membantu saya dalam mengoptimalkan waktu 24 jam yang saya miliki dengan membuat jadwal aktivitas harian

Maya Malinda
Maya Malinda
2 years ago

teruskan Coach, jadi berkat bagi sesama

Lika Satvarini
Lika Satvarini
2 years ago

Coach Denny membantu saya menggali diri dan membangun kesadaran untuk membantu saya melihat kasus saya dalam wider context dengan sabar dan ramah. Kemampuannya menata alur juga membuat saya merasa nyaman. Terima kasih Coach Denny 👌

Angela Giovani Putri Rusmin
2 years ago

Coach Denny helps me look for solutions for my business problems not by telling me directly what the problem is/what should i do with it. but by asking me questions that helps jumble up my brain and spot my flaws in my thought process. Coaching session really is useful to make sure that i put my plan into actions & it keeps me on track in my progress. I learn to be more organized too and to keep on going forward by taking one steps at a time

Bagikan profile Denny Simano
Location Jakarta Barat Member since 1 September 2021 Status Available Gender Male