Dietra Anandani

Neuroparenting, Wellness & Communication



78.5 Coaching Hours


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Dietra Anandani Neuroparenting, Communication & Wellness Coach | Optimist | Smile Enthusiast I Point of You Practicioner

Dietra Anandani, is a vibrant individual with a profound perspective on life. Her life motto, "Life is always beautiful no matter what happens & never lose one smile," reflects her optimistic and positive outlook on life. Call her Lala.

With a warm and friendly nature, Lala takes pleasure in becoming your closest companion, walking alongside you to explore and uncover your deepest hopes and aspirations. Her genuine and approachable demeanor creates a safe and supportive space for others to share their journey, using coaching tools: Point of You.

Throughout her life, Lala has embraced the belief that beauty can be found even in the face of challenges. She understands the importance of holding onto one's smile, as it serves as a beacon of strength and resilience during difficult times.

Passionate about helping others, Lala has devoted herself to becoming a Neuroparenting, Communication & Wellness coach. Drawing from her own life experiences and wisdom, she guides individuals on a path of self-discovery and growth. Her coaching approach centers around finding one's true purpose, achieving balance, A friendly parents and fostering happiness in life.

Lala's genuine care and warm-hearted communication have touched the lives of many. She cherishes the connections she makes with others, and her journey as a Master of Ceremony and her participation in the Gue Anak Radio Session 1's top 50 have contributed to her ability to bring energy and positivity to any endeavor.

If you're seeking a dedicated Neuroparenting, Communication & Wellness coach to help you find your true purpose, explore your aspiration, navigate life's challenges, Confident Parents and achieve balance and happiness in life, don't hesitate to reach out.

Embrace the beauty of life with Lala by your side, and let her infectious smile light up your path to happiness and self-discovery. 

To get to know Lala better, you can check her Instagram: @dietra.wellness or directly chat with her on the Visecoach app.

Work Experiences

# Founder PurpleHeaart Event Management 

# Coach & Instruktur, Program Coaching Indonesia: Sahabat Sejati, SIS, SMSG dan Kemendikbud

#Coach, Divisi Komunikasi, Moeslem Coach Community

# Project Manager Roadmap Green Recovery Post Covid-19,  Tropical Carbon Innovaton Farming HUB - Australia, Juli 2021

# Marketing Manager, Bengawan Solo Coffee, Agustus 2020

# Secretary, Koalisi Generasi Hijau - Jakarta.

# Associate Trainer in Christine Manopo Training Center, Growink, ALC, IFO Charcom dan Ice Breaker Academy.

# Anggota aktif komunitas Xpreneur, MCC, Kelas Malam dan ESQ Alumni

Other Professions

Lecturer,Business Owner,Other


#Magister Manajemen, Marketing, ABFI Perbanas - Jakarta, 2012.

Certifications and Credentials

>>> Profesional Coaching Certificate dari Coaching Indonesia

>>> NLP  Certificate dari ESQ NLP

>>> Public Speaking Certificate dari

>>> Public Speaking Certificate dari Mari Institute

>>> I-Movement phototherapy praticioner Point of You

Other Certifications

POY L1, ESQ-NLP, Mindfulness, Public Speaking


Program Coaching ;
Internalisasi Budaya MDP salah satu Bank Swasta, UMKM Perempuan Tani HKTI
Mega Career, KOIN parenting, PT Waruna Nusa Sentana, Beasiswa Mahasiswa Binaan Karya Salemba 
Future Star Corps UI, UIN Yogya, JSIT Jabar, UMKM Lumajang Future, 

Trainer/Fasilitator/Ice Breaking:
PT Pelni Tbk, PT. Hutama Karya Tbk, PT Sasa inti Makmur, PT PNM, PT MUM, Kementerian Pariwisata, Santika Premier Hayam Wuruk, PT SOG, BTN, Penjara Wanita Pondok Bambu

Event Organizer:
PT SMDU, Santika Premier Hayam Wuruk, Agung Sedayu Div GA, PT Sunijaya, personal client


Bahasa Indonesia,English

Layanan Coaching dari Dietra Anandani

Mindfulness in the Workplace
Mindfulness in the Workplace

Capai keseimbangan dan tingkatkan fokus dan produktivitas kerja melalui latihan-latihan mindfulness bersama Wellness Coach and Mindfulness Instructor...

Achieve Mental Health and Balance
Achieve Mental Health and Balance

Bangun kesehatan mental dan keseimbangan emosi di kehidupan pribadi dan pekerjaan yang penuh dinamika dan cepat berubah....

Apa kata coachee tentang Dietra Anandani ?

Tsania Kumala
7 months ago

Proses coaching sangat nyaman dan membuat saya menjadi orang yang lebih bersemangat dan berfikir positif untuk lebih mengenal diri sendiri dalam memimpin orang lain

shanina rosa
shanina rosa - RANGKUL
7 months ago

Makasih banyak Kak Lala! Aku udah coba praktekkan dan sangat membantu waktu menghadapi situasi sosial yang menakutkan

shanina rosa
shanina rosa - RANGKUL
7 months ago

Kak, makasih banyak udah bantu aku menemukan akar masalah aku. Sekarang lagi fokus mengatasi problem ini dengan mempraktekkan saran Kak Lala ❤️❤️❤️

Bagikan profile Dietra Anandani
Location Bekasi Member since 27 Maret 2020 Status Available Gender Female