Dyah Adhi Astuti, SP, MM, CPC, CEC

Leadership, Career and Business Coach


Apr Mediterania Lagoon , Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat

159 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


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Dyah Adhi Astuti, also known as Tituk, is a certified coach with CPC (Certified Professional Coach) and CEC (Certified Executive Coach) qualifications accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

With over 30 years of experience in the banking industry, Tituk began her career as a Relationship Manager and advanced to the role of a Business Leader as Deputy General Manager, specializing in retail and SME banking. Throughout her career, she has facilitated the growth of her people - especially the millennial generation at the company - achieve their maximum potential. She introduced and lead the Graduate Management Trainee program where she coached and mentored each one of them and they turned out to be excellent leaders. She is also one of the founders of a Leadership Development Program, that focuses on nurturing employees to be ready to move to the next level of their careers.  

Transitioning her expertise from being a Head HR Business Partner, she is now dedicated to facilitating business leaders in developing effective strategies and achieving sustainability goals. As a coach, she empowers talents and leaders, fostering self-awareness and systemic thinking to navigate change and drive organizational transformations.

As a mother of three daughters, Tituk applies her coaching and mentoring skills to her three daughters in everyday life to hone their self-leadership skills, preparing them to succeed in the business world and to become future parents. Her passion for nurturing the younger generation has encouraged her to go "back to campus" - taking part in revitalization projects, becoming a guest lecturer and mentoring students, and instilling the right mindset and readiness for the world of work amongst university students.

Her coaching philosophy is anchored in empathy, active listening, adaptability, and continuous self-improvement. She is dedicated to empowering individuals to unlock their full potential, achieving meaningful growth and success in both their personal and professional lives.

As a coach, her goal is to provide unwavering support and guidance to her clients on their journey toward achieving their aspirations and becoming the best versions of themselves. Whether you seek assistance in leadership development, career advancement, or personal transformation, Tituk is committed to helping you reach your goals.

If you are ready to embark on a transformative coaching journey, she welcomes you to connect with her. Together, you will pave the way for your success and fulfillment.

Work Experiences

2019 – 2023               EVP, Head HR 

2017 – 2019                 Div. Head, Organization and People Development

2018                            Appointed as A Chairman of the Management representative team on the collective labor agreement negotiation (Management & Worker’s Union)

2011 – 2017                  Head, HR Retail Banking & Syariah Banking

2009 – 2011                  Head, HR Wholesale Banking and Support Function

2011                            Member of Commissioner GE FI, Jakarta

2005 – 2009                 Senior HR Relationship Manager  

2003 – 2005                 HR Coordinator - Project Management 

2002 – 2003                 Member of special task force ‘5 merger bank’

1999 – 2001                Deputy General Manager – Jakarta Business Unit

1997 – 1999                Area Manager, Sudirman, and Office Building Area

1995 – 1997                Head of Analysis and Reporting

1994 – 1995                Branch Manager, Immanuel Branch Jakarta

1993 – 1994                Micro Marketing Officer

1992 – 1993                Officer Development Program (Management Trainee)

Other Professions

Lecturer, Trainer, Facilitator,


Magister Management, Applied Business Analytics, University of Pelita Harapan, Jakarta. 

Faculty of Agriculture, major in Social Economy, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga.

Certifications and Credentials

CPC (Certified Professional Coach) and CEC (Certified Executive Coach) accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Other Certifications

Human Resource Management with Qualification Human Resources General Manager, BNSP, Professional Certification Body of Human Resource Development and Management (LSP), 2023.

Mastering Facilitation Workshop, conducted by BR2C, November 2022.

Master Trainer, BNSP, Professional Certification Body of Human Resource Development and Management (LSP), 2021.

Layanan Coaching dari Dyah Adhi Astuti, SP, MM, CPC, CEC

Be a Successful Manager
Be a Successful Manager

Kembangkan diri Anda menjadi Manajer yang efektif melalui 4 kali pertemuan coaching bersama Leadership Coach pilihan Anda....

Apa kata coachee tentang Dyah Adhi Astuti, SP, MM, CPC, CEC ?

Dimas Sugesti
Dimas Sugesti - Elnusa
2 months ago

Luar biasa bisa menjadi coachee dari coach dyah Mengenali potensi dan mencapai goal dengan bimbingan dari coach dyah sangat luarbiasa

Dimas Sugesti
Dimas Sugesti - Elnusa
3 months ago

Hai Coach! Great! Expect aku untuk Coaching Sesi 2 Kemarin adalah langkah untuk mencapai target 6 bulan kedepan But I get more, hal mendasar dan fundamentals sebagai leader yang dibutuhkan dimasa depan aku dapetin kemarin thank you

Sari Dian Trianasari
3 months ago

This coaching is super helpful for figuring out goals and self-worth again. It just flows well and is super practical. ❤️

Johanes Hany
3 months ago

komunikatif, inspiratif dan solutif dalam sesi 1 jam coaching after training for leader. banyak belajar dan ilmu baru yg bs diterapkan dalam sesi ini utk menjadi lbh produktif. tetap semangat utk berkarya menciptakan leader2 hebat

Suryadi Sanjaya
3 months ago

Ibu Tituk sangat berpengalaman dalam mengcoach, terlihat dari apa yang disampaikan dapat mudah dimengerti dan tanpa susah berpikir lama dapat langsung terbuka pikiran untuk dapat menjawab permasalahan yang di hadapi. Selama sesi coaching saya dapat mengutarakan apa yang menjadi inti dari pemikiran saya dan mendapatkan clue atau jawaban atas beberapa hal yang saya butuhkan dalam mendukung pekerjaan saya. Ibu Tituk orang yang ceria, motivator yang baik dan profesional. Kita tidak sungkan untuk mengungkapkan apa yang menjadi inti pikiran kita dan tergerak untuk dapat mencari jawabannya. Saya berharap sesi coaching ini akan selalu ada / continue, karena ini bermanfaat bagi kami disaat sedang bertransformasi dengan masiv ini

Dimas Sugesti
Dimas Sugesti - Elnusa
4 months ago

Hari ini tersampaikan untuk cerita semua pencapaian aku setelah coaching sesi 2 hampir sebulan yang lalu Perubahan yang aku rasain dari "hanya" merubah pola pikir dan gaya komunikasi aku membantu aku mencapai perubahan yang sebelumnya ngga aku rencanakan dari seorang dengan ego tinggi dan komunikasi agresif berubah menjadi pendengar yang mulai berhenti bicara dan fokus mendengar dari seorang yang bicara terus menerus menjadi orang yang mengamati dan mencatat dari orang yang menganggap pekerjaan sebagai tugas menjadi orang yang menganggap pekerjaan sebagai tanggungjawab

Alisah - BRI
6 months ago

Coaching ini membuat saya menjadi lebih mengerti dan paham kekuatan yg mana dari diri saya yg digunakan untuk mencapai target

Fadillah Huzzaim - Elnusa
6 months ago

Proses Coaching berjalan santai seperti ngobrol dgn temen namun coach bisa memberikan kesimpulan Dan solusi yg dihadapi

Bagikan profile Dyah Adhi Astuti, SP, MM, CPC, CEC
Location Apr Mediterania Lagoon , Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat Member since 29 Maret 2022 Status Available Gender Female