Profile Endra Ananto
Coaching Hours
5 of 5
Coaching Approach:
Drawing from my extensive experience in business management and human capital development, I offer a holistic coaching approach that fosters personal and professional growth. My coaching is tailored to each client's specific needs, provide actionable insights and solutions to empowering them to overcome challenges and achieve sustainable success.
Coaching Experiences:
Over the past decade, I have successfully coached and mentored dozens of management trainees, branch managers, managers, and senior managers in corporation and several national companies.
As a coach, I specialize in empowering individuals in the following areas:
Leadership Development: Cultivating strong leadership skills and enhancing leadership effectiveness to drive organizational success.
Career Advancement: Providing guidance and support to navigate career transitions, set goals, and unlock professional growth opportunities.
Personal Growth: Assisting individuals in discovering their strengths, overcoming challenges, and achieving personal fulfillment.
Professional Experiences:
Business Management and Strategy
Human Capital Development
Leadership Development
Career Transition and Advancement
Organizational Effectiveness
Talent Management
Personal and Professional Growth
If you're ready to take your personal and professional life to the next level, I'm here to support you on this transformative coaching journey. Let's work together to unlock your full potential and drive lasting success!
-Head of Human Capital Development Division
1997-2016 PT United Tractors Tbk
-Head of Marketing & Sales of Spareparts Retail Business
-Head of Corporate Strategic HC & Talent Management Dept.
-Head of Corporate Planning Dept.
-Information Technology Team Leader
Certified Human Resources Professional
Mastering Business Models by Strategyzer
Mastering Value Proposition by Strategyzer
Change Management Fundation by APMG International
Change Management Practitioner by APMG International
Certified OKR Professional Diploma by The KPI Institute
The HR Consultant: A Masterclass with Bill Pelster by Josh Bersin Academy
The Strategic HR Business Partner by Josh Bersin Academy
PT United Tractors Tbk
Apa kata klien
Pada sesi ini, feedback yang diberikan dari sesi coaching sebelumnya kembali dibahas dan cukup produktif menghasilkan solusi seperti perubahan KPI dan to-do ke depannya untuk memperjelas /mengeliminasi faktor yang asa di luar kont more...
Muhammad Febrian Yudhosatrio
AGPPada sesi ini, Bapak Endra memantik saya untuk dapat lebih kritis terhadap visi project saya yang seharusnya dapat lebih luas. Tidak hanya dari sisi output, namun secara proses Bapak Endra juga memantik diskusi supaya saya sadar b more...
Muhammad Febrian Yudhosatrio
AGPInsight paling besar yang saya dapat saat menjalani coaching adalah tentang bagaimana saya melihat the bigger picture beyond the dashboard yang saya buat. Selain itu, bagaimana project saya akan menjawab rumusan masalah yang saya more...
Dimitrio Rama
AGPSangat inspiratif dan membangun fundamental sebagai struktur pengembangan potensi mentee.
Osman Omar
Adm. Dept. HeadThese coaching sessions helped me identify possible improvements in my current progress.
Erika Dwiyana Fransiska
AGPSelama sesi diberikan POV dan insight” yang sangat membantu. Terima kasih Pak.
Illene Nathania Candra
AGPTerima kasih atas arahan dan tips dalam proses memahami fundamental presentasi pak Endra.
Osman Omar
Adm. Dept. HeadSaya mendapatkan banyak insight dan feedback yang membantu untuk next process. Terima kasih.
Illene Nathania Candra
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