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Meet Gita, a dynamic, multilingual, certified executive coach with two decades of global experience in human resources management, focusing on the development of future leaders across various cultures. From initiating and implementing successful Management Trainee Programs in multinational companies to fostering the growth of first-time managers into senior leadership roles, Gita's coaching journey is one of deep passion, committed involvement, and transformative results.
Mastering the Craft of Coaching
Gita's love for people development, ignited back in 2001, spurred her to become a certified professional coach, earning her Professional Coaching Certification (PCCP) in 2015 and Executive Coach Certification (CEC) in 2021. She further enriches her coaching with Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) tools, which she is also certified in, thus adding a nuanced perspective to her interactions and methodologies.
A Focus on Potential
Her extensive experience, combined with her unique approach, allows her to connect deeply with her coachees. Whether she's working with university students, early career professionals, management trainees, or first-time and middle managers, Gita's mission is to help her coachees unlock their potential. She specializes in Career Coaching, Life Coaching for Youth and Early Adults, Intercultural Coaching, and Leadership Coaching, thus bringing an unmatched enthusiasm to her engagements.
Discover Your Inner Diamond
To Gita, every coachee is a rough diamond, and as a coach, her role is to guide you in discovering your unique 4Cs – carat, cut, colour, and clarity. She cherishes every step taken with her coachees towards their self-discovery and growth. Her coaching style is relaxed and open, creating a comfortable space for coachees to truly be themselves. She tailors her approach to suit each individual, sometimes even incorporating unique tools like Lego blocks to aid clients in expressing their thoughts, fostering a deep and meaningful coaching conversation.
But that's not all. Gita is also passionate about parenting and a firm believer in nurturing enlightened parenthood. She has curated and published a book - “A Parent’s Diary,” which encapsulates diverse experiences of parenting.
A Melange of Cultures and Generations
Born out of her exposure to various cultures across Africa, Australia, Eastern Europe, and Asia, Gita's coaching is sensitive to cultural nuances and is adept at bridging generational gaps. Her excellent non-verbal cue recognition, active listening skills, outgoing personality, and unwavering faith in her clients' ability to grow are her hallmarks, making her not just a coach but a partner in your self-discovery and growth.
Ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery and growth with Gita? Reach out and let her walk alongside you as you uncover the upgraded version of yourself that lies within.
Mastering the Craft of Coaching
Gita's love for people development, ignited back in 2001, spurred her to become a certified professional coach, earning her Professional Coaching Certification (PCCP) in 2015 and Executive Coach Certification (CEC) in 2021. She further enriches her coaching with Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) tools, which she is also certified in, thus adding a nuanced perspective to her interactions and methodologies.
A Focus on Potential
Her extensive experience, combined with her unique approach, allows her to connect deeply with her coachees. Whether she's working with university students, early career professionals, management trainees, or first-time and middle managers, Gita's mission is to help her coachees unlock their potential. She specializes in Career Coaching, Life Coaching for Youth and Early Adults, Intercultural Coaching, and Leadership Coaching, thus bringing an unmatched enthusiasm to her engagements.
Discover Your Inner Diamond
To Gita, every coachee is a rough diamond, and as a coach, her role is to guide you in discovering your unique 4Cs – carat, cut, colour, and clarity. She cherishes every step taken with her coachees towards their self-discovery and growth. Her coaching style is relaxed and open, creating a comfortable space for coachees to truly be themselves. She tailors her approach to suit each individual, sometimes even incorporating unique tools like Lego blocks to aid clients in expressing their thoughts, fostering a deep and meaningful coaching conversation.
But that's not all. Gita is also passionate about parenting and a firm believer in nurturing enlightened parenthood. She has curated and published a book - “A Parent’s Diary,” which encapsulates diverse experiences of parenting.
A Melange of Cultures and Generations
Born out of her exposure to various cultures across Africa, Australia, Eastern Europe, and Asia, Gita's coaching is sensitive to cultural nuances and is adept at bridging generational gaps. Her excellent non-verbal cue recognition, active listening skills, outgoing personality, and unwavering faith in her clients' ability to grow are her hallmarks, making her not just a coach but a partner in your self-discovery and growth.
Ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery and growth with Gita? Reach out and let her walk alongside you as you uncover the upgraded version of yourself that lies within.
Work Experiences
SVP Head of Human Resources - Indosat, Indonesia
Regional HR Director - Target, South East Asia
HR Director - Reckitt Benckiser, Indonesia
Head of Human Resources - Nestle Myanmar, Myanmar
Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) - Charles Sturt University - Australia
Master of Human Resources (Organisational Behaviour) - Charles Sturt University - Australia
Certifications and Credentials
Certified NLP Practitioner
Other Certifications
Certified NLP Practitioner
Bahasa Indonesia,English,Other
Apa kata coachee tentang gita pratiwi djambek ?
Wiwit Roswita
Selalu menyenangkan bicara dengan Coach Gita. Terima kasih
Radhitya Annisa
Great session bu gita,aku mendapatkan banyak insight dari hasil coaching kita,aku senang banget bisa menemukan duduk permasalahan ku ...gak sabar untuk next session nyaa😍😍😍
Rico Triwijaya
Sesi bersama bu Gita sangat insightful, benar2 membantu saya untuk mampu melihat blind spot dari permasalahan yg saya hadapi, memberikan pertanyaan2 yg membuat saya berpikir jauh lebih dalam, thx a lot Bu Gita, semoga saya bisa menjalankan action plan yg sudah disepakati dengan baik, agar menjadi pribadi yg lebih baik dari sebelumnya..
Wiwit Roswita
Setelah bicara dgn Mbak Gita, saya dapat beberapa input yang tidak pernah terpikir sebelumnya. Mbak Gita bagus dan menyenangkan saat bincang-bincang; saya belajar banyak. Terima kasih Mbak Gita atas sesi coachingnya.
Rico Triwijaya
Coach mampu menyadari energy saya yg sedang tidak baik, dan berusaha untuk mengeluarkan semua emosi yg masih mendominasi pikiran saya. Pertanyaan2 dari bu Gita membuat saya bisa mendengarkan pemikiran saya sendiri. Thx a lot bu Gita
Bobby Natapradja
Still early days in my treatment after being diagnosed with depression by Dr. Yurike from RS Siloam, but speaking with Gita about my issues, giving me alternative perceptions has really helped me. She cares and listens to me with genuine concern.
Radhitya Annisa
Terimakasih banyak mbak gita😍😍😍 recomended banget untuk yg mau di coach dalam hal apapun ... akunya selalu menunggu nunggu sesi berikutnya dengan mbak gita thanks a lot mbak...aku sangat clear dengan yg membuat aku pusing😂
Rico Triwijaya
3 Sesi dengan bu Gita, walaupun topik pembicaraannya sama, namun Bu Gita sangat membantu sebagai teman berpikir saya, banyak buah pikiran yg sebelumnya sudah ada dari sesi2 seblmnya, namun diperkuat dan diperjelas lagi , sehingga saya mampu menghubungkan dengan action yg harus saya lakukan. Bagi saya Bu Gita bukan hanya sebagai coach namun sekaligus menjadi mentor yg memiliki prespektif jauh lbh luas dari yg saya miliki, dan yg terpenting Bu Gita mampu mengkomunikasikan prespektif tersebut dengan metode coaching yg sangat baik..Thx a lot bu..