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Grace would define herself as a person who loves life and its bittersweet. She aims to live; not just survive life.
Having a special need daughter since 2012 was the beginning of her process to rediscover herself. It also ignited her passion in parenting, family, and mental health field. She knows how it feels of wanting to give up and then get back up exploring her strengths to get to where she wants to be.
Being in an interfaith - interracial marriage and having friends from various backgrounds has helped her to see the goodness in people; to see beyond and not just from external attributes.
She's a firm believer that her life matters (and yours too!). Being a parent doesn't have to stop us from finding our true self and achieving our goals. That's the spirit she would take in her coaching practice; believing that each and every one of you is capable to create the transformation in your life.
Professionally, she is a Certified Therapeutic Play Practitioner who provides Play Therapy service in Yogyakarta and a Play Expert in one of leading parenting & children ecosystem in Indonesia. She also writes 2 parenting books and 2 children books so far.
She would love to walk with you in your journey; because you don't have to walk alone.
You can also say hi to her in Instaworld @grace.melia if you want to :)
Having a special need daughter since 2012 was the beginning of her process to rediscover herself. It also ignited her passion in parenting, family, and mental health field. She knows how it feels of wanting to give up and then get back up exploring her strengths to get to where she wants to be.
Being in an interfaith - interracial marriage and having friends from various backgrounds has helped her to see the goodness in people; to see beyond and not just from external attributes.
She's a firm believer that her life matters (and yours too!). Being a parent doesn't have to stop us from finding our true self and achieving our goals. That's the spirit she would take in her coaching practice; believing that each and every one of you is capable to create the transformation in your life.
Professionally, she is a Certified Therapeutic Play Practitioner who provides Play Therapy service in Yogyakarta and a Play Expert in one of leading parenting & children ecosystem in Indonesia. She also writes 2 parenting books and 2 children books so far.
She would love to walk with you in your journey; because you don't have to walk alone.
You can also say hi to her in Instaworld @grace.melia if you want to :)
English Literature - Sanata Dharma University
Post-Grad Certificate in Therapeutic Play Skills - Academy of Play & Child Psychotherapy, Play Therapy International
Filial Play Coach Mentor - Academy of Play & Child Psychotherapy, Play Therapy International (cand.)
Diploma in Early Years Montessori and Entrepreneurship - MHA
Certifications and Credentials
Certified Therapeutic Play Practitioner
Points Of You Explorer
Apa kata coachee tentang Grace Melia ?
Selalu excited tiap ketemu dan ngobrol bareng Mbak Grace. Nggak kerasa udah pertemuan ke-empat dan aku selalu bersyukur bisa sharing banyak hal ke Mbak Grace. Di pertemuan ke-empat ini aku jadi menyadari bahwa aku tipe orang yang suka cerita dan itu bisa menjadi calm down strategi yang tepat buatku. Terus, aku juga belajar tentang apa itu 'sharp music'. Sekarang tugasku adalah terus belajar dan berlatih agar lebih piawai meregulasi emosi, utamanya saat menghadapi pasangan.
Buat aku, setiap ketemu dan sesi bareng mbak Grace itu kayak isi ulang semangat dan rasa percaya diriku. Pokoknya selalu optimis aja bawaannya setelah sesi. Di sesi kelima ini rasanya agak rollback ya ke problem aku di masa lalu. Untungnya, di sesi ini mbak Grace jadi cermin buat aku sehingga aku dipacu untuk lebih kreatif dan berani dalam membuat solusi baru atas permasalahanku. Terima kasih selalu buat mbak Grace yang telah menemaniku selama 5 sesi ini.
Selina T
Thank you for being there with me. Thank you udah bantuin aku buat lebih mudah berproses Ci.❤️❤️❤️
Sedih + seneng + terharu, sampe juga di sesi ke 4, banyak perubahan baik yang ada didalam diriku berkat mba gesi. Mba gesi gapernah maksa aku lakuin ini itu, tp dia selalu ajak aku untuk aware apa yang aku butuhkan, apa yang aku rasakan. Love mba gesi banyak2🥹❤️
Pertemuan kedua ini rasanya beda banget dari sesi pertama. Aku ngerasa seneng, semangat, optimis, dan bangga. Terima kasih buat mbak Grace yang sudah mendengarkan setiap ceritaku dengan saksama. Terima kasih juga karena mbak Grace mengapresiasi kemajuanku. It means a lot mbak, bahkan buat aku jadi makin percaya diri. Nggak sabar ketemu mbak Grace lagi di minggu ke-3 nanti :)
Selina T
Thank you Ci buat insight dan remindernya😍😍 thank you juga udah dengerin cerita ngalor ngidulku..jujur, aku abis cerita tadi lumayan bingung “ini tadi poinku apa ya?”😂🤣 maaf ya Ci, aku sepertinya terlalu excited buat ceritain progressku..😔😂🤣
Setelah sempat mundur jadwalnya, alhamdulillah senin kemarin bisa mulai sesi coaching yang pertama bareng mbak Grace Melia. Di sesi pertama ini aku excited banget, karena baru kali ini aku bisa cerita mengenai diriku, perasaanku, pengalamanku, dan pemikiranku tanpa dihakimi. Bener-bener mbak Grace mendengarkanku dengan saksama dan aku sangat bersyukur. Semoga dengan mengambil sesi ini aku benar-benar bisa mengenali diri dan emosiku agar tidak memengaruhi cara komunikasiku ke orang lain.
Ga nyangka udah jalan sesi 3, senaaaang, setiap ketemu mba gesi my heart feels warm❤️ makin ngerasa aman dan nyaman setiap kali cerita sm mb gesi. Aku mulai kenal sm diriku sendiri🥹 Thanks mba gesiii❤️❤️