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Empowering Lives, Transforming Futures
I'm a dedicated life coach with over 20 years of experience in the advertising and digital marketing industry. As the Vice President of Indonesia Creators Economy (ICE), I have had the privilege of working with diverse individuals, witnessing their growth, and understanding the importance of meaningful relationships and effective leadership.
My coaching style is a perfect blend of empathetic listening and thought-provoking questions. Through active listening, I gain deep insights into your unique situation, allowing me to understand your aspirations, challenges, and desires. I then use powerful questions to stimulate introspection, enabling you to discover your own solutions and strategies for growth.
I strongly believe that the quality of our relationships and our ability to lead with a servant's heart are key factors in achieving success and fulfillment in life. As a life coach, I am committed to helping my clients unlock their true potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve their personal and professional goals.
My coaching expertise lies in three key areas:
Personal Development and Empowerment: Unleash your inner strengths and cultivate a growth mindset to achieve personal breakthroughs.
Career Transition and Growth: Navigate career changes with confidence and design a path aligned with your passions and talents.
Relationship and Relevant Leadership: Enhance your interpersonal skills and lead authentically to foster meaningful connections in both personal and professional spheres.
In our coaching sessions, you can expect a supportive and non-judgmental space where you can freely explore your thoughts and feelings. Together, we will set achievable goals, work on overcoming obstacles, and design actionable plans for your personal and professional development. My ultimate aim is to empower you with the mindset necessary for lasting positive change.
Discover your true potential and embrace a fulfilling life with the guidance and support of a compassionate and experienced life coach. I look forward to embarking on this transformative journey with you!
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Bahasa Indonesia,English
Layanan Coaching dari Hana Novitriani

Find Your True Romance
Bangun citra diri bagi kamu yang masih single dan ingin menemukan pasangan. Perkuat intensi dan pikiran untuk menarik kehadiran calon pasangan yang diinginkan....
Apa kata coachee tentang Hana Novitriani ?
Aditya Winarto
Thank you, Mba Hana, for today's coaching. It was so great time & discussion. I am So glad to know what to do in my new new role at the office.
Ana Aofa - Coaching Indonesia
Berbincang dg Coach Hana membuat saya melakukan refleksi diri, menyadari perasaan saya dan akhirnya memiliki langkah baru untuk mencapai tujuan.
Rahmawati Pratiwi - Coaching Indonesia
Coaching dengan Coach hana yg sangat friendly membuat saya merasa lebih lega, lebih bisa menerima kondisi dan situasi diri serta kehidupan yg saya jalani, Coach hana membantu saya untuk bisa menyadari bahwa setiap orang perlu "memberi ruang" pada diri sendiri untuk bisa bahagia dan membahagiakan.
POF Yuliyati
Thank you coach Hana, sangat luar biasa sekali. Sangat mengerti dan memahami penyampaian saya yang kurang begitu baik. Terima kasih telah membantu saya mencari solusi atas masalah yang saya hadapi sehingga saya mampu meneropong masa depan depan saya. Yang awalnya saya berpikir "ah, jalani saja" . Sukses selalu coach🤩🥰
POFAlfina Putri
Coach Hana luar biasa dalam membangun komunikasi dengan clientnya.
Clara Marcillya
Thank you so much mba Hana .. Coaching with Mba Hana has made me a lot of changes in me .. There are many things that I don't realize myself and I have a lot of things need to improved.. Thank you so much Mba Hana for giving me a lots of direction and support to be a better woman .. I feel better than before ..
Candra Kurniawan
Senang sekali di coach mbak Hana, environment nya cair dan flow. Saya juga mendapat awareness diri saya. Mbak Hana menyadarkan saya tentang purpose secara mendalam. Semoga sukses mbak Hana
Sona Andrianto
Coach has good analytical skill in finding client’s area that need to be developed. She could also enable client to explore more his perspective in order to find solution. Great session.