Professional Coach and Leadership Specialist

Herningtyas Nurwulansari

Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.9 of 5

Personal Competence
Herningtyas Nurwulansari is an accomplished professional coach and distinguished leadership expert with an unwavering passion for education and personal growth. Her multifaceted expertise extends to various domains, including writing, research, artistic pursuits, and AI-based instructional media development.

Professional Accomplishments
With a wealth of experience as a trainer, mentor, and facilitator, Herningtyas excels in coaching across diverse fields such as education, professional development, leadership/management, parenting, and public speaking. Her involvement in VEA and AI4IMPACT (Singapore) showcases her commitment to innovation and creative expression.

Coaching Style
Herningtyas fosters a nurturing coaching style, forging genuine connections with coachees. Her dedication to empowering the community is evident through her role as the chairperson of a credit union's advisor board, as well as leading the Board of Directors for a distinguished financial service. Her visionary leadership and strategic acumen drive organizational growth and success.

In summary, Herningtyas Nurwulansari is a consummate professional coach and leadership expert, inspiring positive life changes and empowering individuals to thrive while promoting community prosperity. Her diverse expertise in coaching and leadership reflects her dedication to shaping a brighter future for both individuals and the wider community.

1. English Teacher (Kosayu)
2. Professional Coach
3. AI-based Instructional Media Creator and Mentor (AI4Impact-Singapore)
4. Member of the Research and development team/Quality Control Team (Kosayu)
5. Supervising Team Leader (Finance and management) of CU Kosayu
6. Human Resources Development and Public Relations Affairs (Kosayu)
7. Freelance Writer/Content Creator/Copywriter/MC
8. Freelance Performing Arts (Director, Scriptwriter)
9. Freelance Trainer/Instructor/facilitator (Educational Workshop, Instructional Media Creating, Public Speaking, Leadership/Management, Coaching, Parenting and Self-growth)
10. Public Speaking Instructor/Mentor, Program Director (Exaltmalang)
11. Mentor of Virtual Education Academy (VEA) for Lecturers and Teachers in Indonesia.
12. Narasumber/Instruktur Modul Coaching Program Guru Penggerak Kemendikburistek
13. Tim Pengembang Sekolah dan Penjaminan Mutu Yayasan Kosayu

Certified teacher, certified trainer (BNSP), certified Coach

Professionals, practitioners, management of finance services, BOD/leaders and staff of organizations/managements, teachers/educators, students, church community, and parents.

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