Indaka Pradnya Rityatama

Self-Growth Coach


Delta Mandala I no.132 Sidoarjo

3 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

Qualifications and Certifications: Indaka Pradnya Rityatama is a passionate and dedicated coach with a strong foundation in self-growth coaching. They hold a bachelor's degree in Informatics and a master's degree in Management Technology from one of Indonesia's prestigious institutes of technology. Additionally, Indaka is a Certified of Praktisi Coaching by BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi - National Professional Certification Agency). Their commitment to promoting self-growth, carrier, and well-being is evident in their international certifications, such as Scrum Master Accredited Certification, IT Infrastructure Library, and Google Data Analytic Specialization. 

Coaching Experience: While Indaka's professional coaching experience may be relatively new, their genuine spirit and enthusiasm for empowering individuals shine through in every session. They have already begun helping clients embark on a journey of self-discovery, fostering love for themselves, and enhancing overall wellness. Indaka's focus on self-growth, carrier, and wellness programs is rooted in their belief that a fulfilling life begins with cultivating a positive relationship with oneself.

Coaching Approach: Indaka's coaching style is marked by empathy, compassion, and a deep understanding of the importance of self-care. Their approach to coaching is client-centered and holistic, emphasizing self-awareness, self-acceptance, and personal transformation. Indaka also has knowledge and experience in Neuro Language Programming in Essential Life Course Program. By combining various coaching methodologies with principles of love and wellness, Indaka guides clients towards a more balanced and harmonious life.

Professional Background: Indaka's background in the telecommunication industry and digital IT companies, coupled with their academic experiences, provides a unique perspective that complements their coaching practice. Their proficiency in IT and technology, account management, customer experience, and customer relationship management enhances their ability to connect with clients from diverse backgrounds.

Success Stories and Testimonials: Despite their relatively new coaching journey, Indaka has already garnered positive feedback from clients who have experienced significant personal growth and improved well-being through their coaching sessions. Testimonials praise Indaka's ability to inspire self-love, foster self-confidence, and promote overall wellness.

Areas of Expertise: Indaka specializes in coaching programs that focus on self-growth, love, and wellness. They are passionate about guiding individuals through transformative processes that lead to increased self-awareness, improved relationships, and a greater sense of fulfillment.

Academic Achievements: Indaka's academic achievements, including their master's degree and relevant certifications, serve as a foundation for their expertise in fostering personal development and well-being.

Coaching Philosophy and Values: Indaka's coaching philosophy revolves around promoting self-love, nurturing positive habits, and cultivating a growth mindset. They believe that embracing self-discovery and personal transformation can lead to profound changes in all aspects of life.

Personal Attributes: Clients admire Indaka's warm and compassionate nature, making them feel comfortable and supported throughout their coaching journey. Their strong spirit and passion for coaching create a motivational and empowering atmosphere for clients.

Approachability and Accessibility: Indaka is easily approachable through their website and contact information, welcoming individuals who seek guidance in the areas of self-growth, carrier, and wellness.

In summary, Indaka Pradnya Rityatama is an inspiring and dedicated coach who wholeheartedly embraces the principles of self-growth, carrier, and wellness. Despite being relatively new to the coaching profession, their genuine spirit and passion for empowering individuals shine through in every coaching session. By combining their unique background with a client-centered and holistic coaching approach, Indaka guides clients towards a more fulfilling life filled with self-love, positive relationships, and overall well-being.

Work Experiences

PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk (Telkom)
PT. Telekomunikasi Seluler (Telkomsel)
Startup Digital Amoeba TelkomGroup
2019, CEO Q
Institute Teknologi Adhitama Surabaya
2011, Lecture

Other Professions



Bachelor of Informatics (S.Kom) ITS,
Master of Management Technology, (M.MT) ITS

Certifications and Credentials

Oxford Executive Leadership Program, 2024
Certified of Competence Coaching BNSP, 2023
Neuro Language Programming (NLP), 2023
Scrum Master Accredited Certification (SMAC), 2022
IT IL Infrastructure Library V3 (IT IL), 2014
Google Data Analytic Specialization, 2023


Personal Clients,
Corporate Clients


Bahasa Indonesia,English

Apa kata coachee tentang Indaka Pradnya Rityatama ?

Rizky Kurniawati, S.Gz., CPC
Rizky Kurniawati, S.Gz., CPC - RANGKUL
7 months ago

Mencerahkan sekali sesi coachingnyaa, makasih banyak coach