Mengoptimalkan Potensi Individu dan Tim untuk Keberhasilan Organisasi
Dalam era globalisasi yang terus berkembang, keberhasilan sebuah organisasi tidak hanya bergantung pada struktur dan str...
A bad leader makes people feel bad. A good leader makes people say the leader is good. A great leader makes people feel good.
Bad leader
As leader, the job to be done is to create better leader. Hence, once we have a role as leader then we start thinking to nurture our team members for future leader. However, we fail to listen to our team members in order to understand them. What makes people feel bad then? People feel bad when their leader is listening to reply. Therefore, people feel that their leader is not listening.
Good leader
As a leader, again the job to be done is to create a better leader. What makes people say the leader is good then? People will talk about the leader because the leader is presenting good deeds/words/gestures in public. However, the leader might feel very tired by not being authentic.
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Great leader
As a reminder, the job to be done is to create a better leader. The great leader has the self-awareness to stop thinking about himself and start thinking about their team members. Why better leader? Any organization's performance depends on leadership quality. When leadership succession is to have a better leader then any organization would tend to be having better performance.
Team members will feel good to be part of the vibrant team. And then better performance is just a consequence. Great performance comes from a great team. A great team comes from a great leader. A great leader comes from genuine self-awareness from the leader to create a better leader. The great leader resonates with people: ‘Do well anyway’.
From a business point of view, a great leader attracts good people to join. Hence, a great leader is a magnet. A great leader forms a leadership culture. The culture is created to get a sustainable excellent business outcome.
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Danny Wangsahardja
His coaching approach is focused on creating awareness and clarity of those of leaders in order to help them navigate with confidence in ever changing corporate environment. Through this approach Danny believes his clients not only achieve optimum performance but also find the real meaning of work and how it impacts other people in their environment. He combines authentic presence, deep listening and evocative questioning techniques in his coaching to support his work in facilitating change and transformation of others.