Sincere Gratitude

Sincere Gratitude

“Thank you” are two simple words that mean the world when they are said sincerely. Genuine gratitude makes people feel comfortable in expressing their thoughts and concerns. Couples who value each other have better communication than the ones who are unvalued.  Gratitude also motivates people to be more productive. Employees who are acknowledged and praised by their bosses perform better and are more loyal compared to the unappreciated ones.

Not only does gratitude affect the receivers, but it also has an impact on the givers. When I give thanks, I somehow feel compassion and warmth in my heart. Perhaps this is what happens when ego steps aside and emotional maturity takes over. I feel blissful and become more in touch with my inner joy. This enables me to enjoy life more.

Baca juga IKIGAI, konsep hidup Jepang dalam mencari tujuan hidup

With sincere gratitude, you acknowledge the goodness and blessings in life. It shows that you appreciate what you have instead of reaching for something new hoping it will bring happiness or satisfaction. By doing so, you consciously invite abundance to your life.

I’m sure everyone is capable of fostering gratitude. Here are some recommended ways:

·   Simply appreciate what you’ve achieved and forgive yourself for everything you haven’t completed.

·   Stop complaining about the things you don’t have.

·   Take a moment to focus on the things that you have – count your blessings.

·   Appreciate the people around you.

·   Thank someone immediately or write a thank you note or email.

·   Pray and meditate

My special thanks to the universe:

·   Thank you for the nature that refreshes me

·   Thank you for the challenges that wise me up

·   Thank you for the solutions that liberate me

·   Thank you for the opportunities that elevate me

·   Thank you for my family and friends that believe in me

·   Thank you for your nurture, support, and guidance.

To the readers, thank you for reading. I’m sending you love and light :) 

Maksimalkan potensi diri Anda dengan bantuan Self-Growth Coach kami.

Alexandria Tjai
Alexandria Tjai
Executive and Life Coach

Easy-to-talk-to ICF (International Coaching Federation) and BNSP certified coach focusing on what you need to gain clarity and confidence to take action to move forward

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