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Etty Erikawati's coaching style is characterized by patience, active listening, and a strong focus on the coachee's needs and desires. She believes in creating a safe and supportive environment where individuals can freely explore their goals, challenges, and aspirations. Her coaching approach is flexible, adaptable, and tailored to each coachee's unique circumstances.
Etty's true passion lies in empowering individuals to gain confidence and clarity in their lives. She specializes in helping clients set meaningful goals, overcome obstacles, and build the necessary skills and mindset to achieve success in various aspects of life, including personal development, career growth, talent development, and financial well-being. Her diverse background in finance, business, talent development, and parenting enables her to provide holistic guidance to coachees in multiple life domains.
Etty Erikawati offers coaching services for up to 100 hours, and her availability can be discussed during the initial consultation. She is committed to creating a schedule that accommodates the coachee's needs and ensures consistent progress towards their goals.
Whether you are looking to enhance your financial situation, grow your career, improve relationships, or boost your self-confidence, Etty Erikawati is the CPC Coach who can guide you towards your goals and support you on your journey of personal growth and empowerment.
Work Experiences
Maybank Indonesia (2014 - now)
CIMB Niaga (2004 - 2014)
Other Professions
Business Risk and carrier Coach, leading woman, corporate trainer and assesor
S1 Manajemen Marketing - Universitas Indonesia
S2 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia - Universitas Pamulang
Certifications and Credentials
• National Certified Trainer - Train the Trainer Bank Maybank (2019)
• Faculty Member as trainer and coach on Bank Maybank Academy
. Certified Financial Planner
- Master Qualified Finacial Educator
- Master Legacy Professional Design
- NLP Coach Practitioner
- WAPERD (Wakil Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana) by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
• BNSP - Manajemen Resiko level 6
. BNSP - Trainer / Instruktur
. BNSP - Assesor
Sertifikasi Pendamping UMKM dari Departemen Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM
Other Certifications
Badan Nasional Sertipikasi Pengajar ( BNSP ) merupakan sertifikasi seorang Trainer yang diakui Negara Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia,English
Layanan Coaching dari Erika atmadja
Women Empowerment Leadership
4 (empat) kali sesi personal coaching bagi Anda sebagai perempuan yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan kepemimpinan dari kepercayaan diri yang utuh....
Eliminate Bad Habits
Hilangkan kebiasaan buruk dan pikiran negatif agar Anda menjadi orang yang lebih produktif dan berprestasi....
Apa kata coachee tentang Erika atmadja ?
anistya wardhani - RANGKUL
Ramah, humble, komunikasi lancar dan spesifik pada progress yg akan di tuju.