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Erwin Fadillah, also known as Erwin, is a dedicated and passionate coach specializing in enhancing the development skills of millennials in the workforce and academia. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Human Resources Management, Erwin possesses a solid understanding of human behavior, effective communication, and meaningful engagement, which he skillfully applies in his coaching sessions.
Focused on millennials, Erwin's coaching approach has proven highly effective in fostering growth and development among his clients. By driving synergy and collaboration, he empowers individuals to become their authentic selves, both personally and professionally, leading to increased engagement and reduced conflicts in workplace and academic settings.
Erwin's coaching philosophy centers on being a supportive guide in a collaborative journey. He helps clients discover their unique strengths, goals, and aspirations, emphasizing self-awareness, empathy, and open-mindedness. By harnessing their potential, Erwin makes a positive difference in the lives of millennials, using principles of empathy, active listening, adaptability, and ongoing self-improvement at the core of his coaching practice.
Beyond coaching, Erwin's interests in music and arts enrich his sessions with elements of self-expression, creativity, and innovative thinking. As a band singer, he incorporates his passion for music into his coaching, creating a safe and inspiring space for clients to explore and grow.
In summary, Erwin Fadillah is an energetic and empathetic coach dedicated to the development of millennials in the workforce. His focus on collaboration and personal growth has proven transformative for his clients, while his passion for music and arts adds a unique and creative dimension to his coaching approach, making him a sought-after coach among millennials.
For those interested in Erwin's coaching services, his contact information and website are readily available, reflecting his approachability and willingness to connect with potential clients.
Focused on millennials, Erwin's coaching approach has proven highly effective in fostering growth and development among his clients. By driving synergy and collaboration, he empowers individuals to become their authentic selves, both personally and professionally, leading to increased engagement and reduced conflicts in workplace and academic settings.
Erwin's coaching philosophy centers on being a supportive guide in a collaborative journey. He helps clients discover their unique strengths, goals, and aspirations, emphasizing self-awareness, empathy, and open-mindedness. By harnessing their potential, Erwin makes a positive difference in the lives of millennials, using principles of empathy, active listening, adaptability, and ongoing self-improvement at the core of his coaching practice.
Beyond coaching, Erwin's interests in music and arts enrich his sessions with elements of self-expression, creativity, and innovative thinking. As a band singer, he incorporates his passion for music into his coaching, creating a safe and inspiring space for clients to explore and grow.
In summary, Erwin Fadillah is an energetic and empathetic coach dedicated to the development of millennials in the workforce. His focus on collaboration and personal growth has proven transformative for his clients, while his passion for music and arts adds a unique and creative dimension to his coaching approach, making him a sought-after coach among millennials.
For those interested in Erwin's coaching services, his contact information and website are readily available, reflecting his approachability and willingness to connect with potential clients.
Other Professions
Master Degree of Human Resources Management
Certifications and Credentials
Other Certifications
CHRPE, CBEI, AAAK (Asuransi Kesehatan), Certified HR Manager (BNSP), AGC (Accelerated Growth Coach),
Bahasa Indonesia,English
Apa kata coachee tentang Erwin Fadillah ?
Ajeng Sekar Arum
Ngobrol bersama secara personal untuk menetapkan coaching plan tentang keluarga sehingga tau langkah-langkah yg ingin diambil seperti apa kedepannya. Semoga bisa terwujud di akhir coaching
Dewi Elvina
Sudah baik coaching mentoring nya
Terima kasih untuk sesi yang sangat membantu ini. Saya berharap pada sesi selanjutnya bisa fokus pada cara-cara mengelola komunikasi dalam situasi konflik atau saat menerima kritik, karena hal tersebut sering saya temui dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari.
Coaching yang diberikan membantu saya menjadi lebih sadar akan kebiasaan yang tidak produktif, sehingga dapat memahami alasan di balik tindakan tertentu dan memperbaikinya. Pendekatan coaching yang efektif dapat menumbuhkan motivasi untuk mengadopsi kebiasaan baru. Melalui coaching tersebut, saya juga dapat mempelajari strategi dan keterampilan baru untuk mengatasi tantangan, yang pada akhirnya memperkaya kehidupan dan kebiasaan aktivitas sehari-hari. Singkatnya, coaching yang diberikan tidak hanya membantu mengubah pola kebiasaan, tetapi juga menumbuhkan pola pikir yang lebih positif dan berorientasi pada pertumbuhan.
Eigent Maulana
Thank you coach for listens carefully and help me clarify what the big real problem ahead. Yours approach and an atmoshpere of support you provide have been a huge boon!
Anggraeny Kumalasari
Terima kasih Pak Erwin 🙏🏻
Sesi coaching pertama ini merupakan awal yang bagus untuk saya yang baru masuk ke organisasi. Dari sesi coaching ini, saya mempelajari mindset dan cara berkomunikasi yang baik sebagai pegawai BPJS Kesehatan.
Setiap masalah program yang aku kerjain, dia bongkar satu-satu. Dan aku pikir, 'Wah, ternyata masalahnya bukan di program, tapi di aku!' Tapi yang keren, setiap kali aku bilang sesuatu yang menurutku biasa aja, dia langsung kasih apresiasi, kayak aku abis nemuin solusi untuk perdamaian dunia! Jadinya aku bingung, 'Ini aku lagi coaching, atau lagi ikut kompetisi pujian?' Tapi serius, coaching-nya beneran ngebantu buat buka mata. Kadang kita nggak sadar kalau kita adalah plot twist dari masalah yang kita bikin sendiri.