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Get ready to embark on a life-changing journey with Prast, also known as Mokhammad Nur Fannie Prasetyo, your dedicated professional coach.
Inspired by John Whitmore's belief that coaching unlocks your potential for maximum growth, Prast adds his own perspective, viewing coaching as an enriching journey towards achieving your goals, rather than just focusing on the end result.
As your coach, Prast sees himself as an instrument to guide you towards greater self-awareness, new empowering mindsets, and positive behavioral changes. His ultimate aim is to help you discover your best version and align your actions with your aspirations.
When you engage in coaching sessions with Prast, get ready to unlock your true potential, gain invaluable experiences, and relish the journey towards achieving your goals. His coaching approach is centered on enhancing your self-awareness, nurturing new perspectives, and empowering you to take meaningful steps towards your objectives, all while finding joy in the process.
Credentials and Expertise:
Rest assured that you are in the hands of a highly qualified and experienced coach. Prast began his coaching career in 2014 and holds esteemed credentials, including International Coaching Federation (ICF) Professional Certified Coach and ICF Registry Coach Mentor. These credentials reflect his commitment to delivering top-notch coaching experiences.
Prast specializes in Executive, Leadership, Transformation, Career, and Business Coaching, having conducted over 1,100 coaching sessions. His background in Learning & Development and Corporate University, coupled with his management experience in a State-owned Corporation in Indonesia, equips him with a deep understanding of personal and professional growth.
Transformational Coaching Approach:
Your journey with Prast is all about transformation and self-discovery. As your coach, he embodies active listening, cognitive flexibility, and agility, enabling him to tailor each session according to your unique needs.
Count on Prast to be your unwavering partner in your growth journey. Whether you seek to elevate your leadership skills, navigate a career transition, or revolutionize your business strategies, he will be there to provide unwavering guidance and encouragement.
Published Works:
Prast's commitment to empowering others extends beyond coaching sessions. He has authored several insightful books and e-books, including "Ada Coaching di Hijrahmu," "A to Z Coaching," "8 Langkah Menjadi Coach Profesional" (e-book), "Self Coaching" (e-book), and "Coaching = Program" (e-book). These publications reflect his dedication to sharing knowledge and empowering individuals like you on their coaching journeys.
Embrace the transformative power of coaching with Prast by your side. His coaching expertise and passion for growth will inspire you to uncover your true potential and achieve meaningful progress. Together, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and fulfillment. Connect with Prast today and set forth on your transformative coaching experience.
Link e-Book:
Work Experiences
2024-now: Director of Coaching Indonesia Academy
2018-2024: Director of LSP LKP Anshana Coaching Indonesia
2023-now: President of International Coaching Federation Jakarta Charter Chapter
2021-2022: President-Elect of International Coaching Federation Jakarta Charter Chapter
2017-2020: Membership Director of International Coaching Federation Jakarta Charter Chapter
2006-2018 PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, (Persero), Tbk.
2006-2011: Internal Auditor BRI (Manado, Palembang & Yogyakarta Audit Regional Office)
2011-2018: Corporate Trainer BRI (Yogyakarta Campus Corporate University)
Other Professions
Financial Planner
S2 Magister Management - Universitas Gadjah Mada
S1 Management - Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Certifications and Credentials
ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
ICF Registry Coach Mentor
Other Certifications
Emotional Intelligence
Qualified Wealth Planner
Government Area
Kementerian BUMN, Kementerian Keuangan, Kemendikbudristek, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, BPSDM Provinsi Aceh, BPSDM Provinsi Jawa Barat, Bank Indonesia, BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik), LPS (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan)
Education Area
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gajah Mada, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama, Unika Atma Jaya, SMA Pangudi Luhur
Corporation & Executive Area
Daimler Truck, RED Sea Global, JTI Global, DP World, CMA CGM Apac, CEVA MEA
AESOP, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Pertamina Training Consulting, Bank Tabungan Negara, Bank Pertama, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, BPJS Kesehatan, Elnusa, Essilor-NVG, Astra Honda Motor, HPM, Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX, AXA Mandiri, Indonesia Power, Chitose, BJB Syariah, Oxfam, SKK Migas, BUMA, JTI, WIKA, Tiket.Com, BFI, FIF, Indosat, Pelindo,PLN, PT. KAI, Siloam Hospital, Citilink, Thinkwell, Antam, Paragon
Layanan Coaching dari M Nur Fannie Prasetyo
Be a Successful Manager
Kembangkan diri Anda menjadi Manajer yang efektif melalui 4 kali pertemuan coaching bersama Leadership Coach pilihan Anda....
Leading Millennial Team
4 kali sesi coaching one-on-one untuk menemukan pendekatan terbaik dalam memimpin tim millennials....
Improve Communication and Confidence
Bangun kepercayaan diri dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, terutama jika Anda bekerja di lingkungan yang menuntut berbicara di depan orang atau kelom...
Apa kata coachee tentang M Nur Fannie Prasetyo ?
Kharisma Shafrani - Yayasan Mien R Uno Foundation
Sesi coaching pertama ini membuat saya bersemangat untuk mencapai goals bisnis saya dalam 6 bulan ke depan. Saya mulai menyusun goals saya, usaha apa saja yang harus saya lakukan, dan tentunya saya membutuhkan dukungan baik dari internal ENVOY atau dukungan dari orang-orang terdekat saya
Prima Adi Santjoko
Thank you for being partner in my journey facing challenges and becoming great coach for the client. And thank you for dancing with me in the process. Thank you for your patience and sincerity.
Prima Adi Santjoko
Creating new awareness and recommit new goal.
Prima Adi Santjoko
I learn how to focus myself and I was asked which I unconciously thought and my thought wandering anywhere.
Claire Anggita - Coaching Indonesia
I can find another pov from my obstacles
Evlin MFV, S.Kom, MBA, CPC
Thank you Coach for the session .. kalau sudah berpengelaman recommended banget ..
Samsul Ma'arif - LPDP
dari sesi 3 saya merasa mulai bisa lebih percaya diri dari sebelumnya, saya mulai bisa memaafkan kesalahan saya sebelumnya, sehingga bisa lebih leluasa merancang tindakan dan rencana saya kedepannya
Iwal Islamuddin
Coaching sesi pertama ini sangat membantu terutama dalam hal menggali lebih dalam lagi permasalahan distraksi. Secara umum, permasalahan distraksi bisa diatasi salah satunya dengan me-recall pengalaman memperoleh kepuasan dari sebuah "prestasi kecil". Taking notes & to do list adalah salah satu cara untuk me-recall pengalaman tersebut.