Ita Utamiwati

Leadership, Career Coach



16 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

With a strong background in Hospitality Management and decades of invaluable experience in the hospitality industry, I have honed my expertise in various areas, including Operations, Finance, Training, Human Resources, and Business Development.

My journey into the world of coaching began during my career in Human Resources, where I discovered a profound passion for guiding and empowering others. I enthusiastically embraced Training and Coaching, even before obtaining my formal Coaching certification in 2019 as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC).

In the hospitality world, being a good listener and providing exceptional customer service are essential skills, and these are qualities I have diligently practiced throughout my career. These very attributes also hold true in the realm of coaching, where understanding and supporting individuals are vital elements for success.

A particular quote, "Even Tiger Woods needs a coach," has served as a powerful inspiration for my coaching venture. It reinforced my belief that intelligence, success, and achievement are not enough on their own—everyone can benefit from the guidance and encouragement of a skilled coach. Coaches have the unique ability to unlock untapped potential and help individuals discover their true passions.

STP Satya Widya, Surabaya - Hospitality Management
BPLP Bandung (STP Bandung) - Room Division Management
CIDESCO International - Beauty & SPA Management

Certifications & Credentials:

Professional Coaching Certification from Coaching Indonesia Academy
Starwood Regional Talent Developers
Starwood Regional Service Culture Trainer

As I continue on my coaching journey, I am committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those I work with, helping them achieve their goals, and discovering their inner strengths and purpose.

Other Professions


Other Certifications

Trainer, SPA Management, Insurance


Bahasa Indonesia,English

Apa kata coachee tentang Ita Utamiwati ?

ERNI ERAWATI - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

Coach Ita sangat kooperatif dengan waktu, alhamdulillah bisa ketemu face to face, dan banyak masukan untuk saya agar berani dalam mengambil keputusan. Dan berani melakukan perubahan. Terima kasih coach Ita.

Bagikan profile Ita Utamiwati
Location Bekasi Member since 24 Maret 2020 Status Available Gender Female