Self-Love & Life Coach

Johanna Kevin

Self-Growth, Wellness Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.9 of 5

Hi there!

My name is Johanna and I believe everyone is unique and special.

In this hectic-yet-short life, we're being confused by piles of work, family issues, society, or circumstances. Our dream or wishes are often being abandoned by endless other "priorities" in life. There are so many people living the life that they actually don't want to. My calling is to help people start living their dream and begin to bring their deepest desire into reality.

I'm ready to be your friend and accompany you in your journey to start what you want most in life now and achieve it together.


SMAK 1 BPK Penabur Jakarta
Faculty of Economy, Tarumanagara University Jakarta

After graduated from university, Johanna has worked on some various industries, from Big 4 Accounting Firm, managing truck dealership, podcasting, to being a professional life coach.

Certified Professional Coach by Coaching Indonesia Academy 2018

- Students from ITB Bandung
- Students from ITB Cirebon
- Kemendikbud
- Professional Clients
- Personal Clients

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