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A Professional & Growth Coach Certified and Assessor Certified. Possesses a genuine passion for coaching individuals to discover their best selves.
With my background in Psychology and Masters in Management, will provides a well-rounded skill set to make a significant impact coaching in career growth and self development. My experience of more than 10 years in Human Capital in Mining industry, especially in the field of Human Development such as Talent Management, Coaching, Training, Assessment and Leadership Development demonstrates my expertise in various aspects of career growth and self development.
I believe that everyone has potential that can be maximized and every individual always has the answer to their own problem. I understand that they may need help finding the answer. Coaching unlocks a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It helps to learn rather than teaches. As a Coach, I have the skills necessary to empower individuals and help the individual reach their full potential.
Willingness to socialize and connect with people from diverse backgrounds reflects my openness and adaptability as a coach. Moreover, I am currently also actively involved in several communities ranging from the young adult community to the business and professional community. From these communities, I learned a lot about various work and business industries so that I broadened my horizons. As well as the community of togetherness to sharing our opinions and point of view about anything in this life makes me become an open minded person.
Accustomed to being involved in many communities, i open and warmly welcome to everyone who has willingness to have coaching regardless of background and age, whether a working professional or student. I have provided coaching to fellow students and professional workers and glad to see their growth through coaching sessions.
Overall, I am very happy to be able to help and contribute to individual development and career growth. Combine my expertise in Psychology and Management to create a bespoke coaching experience that empowers individuals to reach their full potential.
With my background in Psychology and Masters in Management, will provides a well-rounded skill set to make a significant impact coaching in career growth and self development. My experience of more than 10 years in Human Capital in Mining industry, especially in the field of Human Development such as Talent Management, Coaching, Training, Assessment and Leadership Development demonstrates my expertise in various aspects of career growth and self development.
I believe that everyone has potential that can be maximized and every individual always has the answer to their own problem. I understand that they may need help finding the answer. Coaching unlocks a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It helps to learn rather than teaches. As a Coach, I have the skills necessary to empower individuals and help the individual reach their full potential.
Willingness to socialize and connect with people from diverse backgrounds reflects my openness and adaptability as a coach. Moreover, I am currently also actively involved in several communities ranging from the young adult community to the business and professional community. From these communities, I learned a lot about various work and business industries so that I broadened my horizons. As well as the community of togetherness to sharing our opinions and point of view about anything in this life makes me become an open minded person.
Accustomed to being involved in many communities, i open and warmly welcome to everyone who has willingness to have coaching regardless of background and age, whether a working professional or student. I have provided coaching to fellow students and professional workers and glad to see their growth through coaching sessions.
Overall, I am very happy to be able to help and contribute to individual development and career growth. Combine my expertise in Psychology and Management to create a bespoke coaching experience that empowers individuals to reach their full potential.
Work Experiences
Recruitment and Staffing Executive
Talent Management Specialist
Talent Management Manager
Other Professions
Psychologist,Counsellor,Teacher,Financial Planner,Recruiter,Other
Bachelor of Psychology at Atmajaya University
Magister of Management at Bina Nusantara (BINUS) International University
Certifications and Credentials
Talent Management System Comprehensive Practical Training – MKI Consulting (2015)
Assessment Center Assessor Certification - PPM Management (2014) Certified
Professional Coach – Coaching Academy Indonesia (2022)
Other Certifications
BTPN Syariah
Bahasa Indonesia
Apa kata coachee tentang Lidya Wijaya ?
Raymond Franco
Setelah coaching, seperti bisa lebih tergambarkan dengan jelas dan terdefinisikan problem diri yang sedang dihadapi, yang mungkin sebelumnya merasa seperti sesuatu yg tidak dapat terdefinisikan. Sangat terbantu
Fidelia Adeline Cahyadi
This coaching session really helps me to get to know myself, my patterns, and my strengths more deeply than before. What I thought was just an ordinary skill, she pointed out that it's a strength that not everyone enjoys and wants to do. She narrowed down my broad options and helped me to rethink why the past options didn't work and the reasons behind it. She also helped me identify the situations that frustrate me the most. And she challenged me to take action on what I currently want to learn and helped me make a timeline for it. Thankyou so much!
Lenny R Marlina, PC, CPC, CGC
Terima kasih telah bersedia menemani perjalanan menuju target pribadi saya. Baru mengenal Mba Lidya, langsung klop dengan cara berkomunikasi dan proses bertanyanya yang asik. Sampai ketemu lagi di sesi berikutnya ya Coach 😉
Lenny R Marlina, PC, CPC, CGC
Senang punya teman bicara yang bisa memahami situasi yang saya alami tanpa judgement . Terima kasih atas waktunya buat mendengarkan saya.
Agustina Puspa Mentari - Coaching Indonesia
Finally target up satu post di feed IG buat support personal branding was done. Makasihh bgt kak Lidya buat dorongan dan arahannya 👐
Lenny R Marlina, PC, CPC, CGC
Dengan kenyamanan yang diberikan dan caranya saat menyampaikan pertanyaan di sesi coaching, Coach Lidya selalu berhasil membawa saya ke arah yang belum pernah terpikirkan sebelumnya. Really appreciate it !
Agustina Puspa Mentari - Coaching Indonesia
Coaching bareng kak Lidya jadi ada semacam "janji" yang harus ditunaikan xixii. Kemaren udah berhasil up konten di IG, sesuai janji di bulan Agustus up 1 konten. Terus yang linkedin juga udh bisa mulai rapihin, bonusnya udh bisa mencapai 100 an koneksi hehee
Agustina Puspa Mentari - Coaching Indonesia
Finally bisa ngerasa lebih baik dari sesi awal dulu. Proud of me, and also thank you kak Lidya udh ngarahin akuuu. Sehat-sehat yaa:)