Career and Life Coach

Linawati Hambali

Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.8 of 5

Lina Lais is a career and life coach who cares and is ready to help others grow. She is passionate about empowering others and herself to be meaningful for other people. She accompanies her clients as a friend and helps them find, realize and choose their dreams in the most comfortable and suitable ways.

Lina started her career in a multinational corporation in the oil and business sector for 20 years. She helped others grow their careers and became a change agent to facilitate people development in the organization, especially at the middle management level. She took early retirement to pursue her dream of building a foundation to help elderly people be happy.

She is still active as a coach, counsellor and associate assessor for selected  Human Resources Consultant and the Ministry of Finance, where she helps other people grow to their maximum. She also participates in some organizations in her spare time to balance and sharpen her skills. Her routine activities include taking any opportunity to help other people through group coaching or group facilitation.

Lina graduated as a psychologist in 1978. She has skills in human resources, industrial psychology, coaching and counselling, feedback giving, facilitation, assessment centre and brain-spotting therapy. She has worked with clients from various ministries and agencies, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Health, the National Development Agency, the Local Government of DKI Jakarta, the State Electricity Company, and others.




Graduated as a Psychologist and experience in the area of various industries up to now.

Certified facilitator
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Executive Coach

Civil servants working in the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Health, the National Development Agency, the Local Government of DKI Jakarta, the State Electricity Company, and other ministries.

Apa kata klien

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