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Used to have a market research experiences from various industries (Banking and Finance, Telecommunication, Oil and Gas, IT Solution, Heavy Equipment, Crop Protection, FMCG, Education, etc).
In 2015, I took the opportunity to grow and develop with maxima.id & impactsocial.id, a company that I built with several colleagues. Our company focuses on providing support and consulting to the public sector areas and also delivering social impact through various programs and initiatives.
On 2021, I join a Coaching Certification Program at Coaching Indonesia, and trying to build my personal long term career goal as a professional coach ever since.
Work Experiences
2008 - 2015 : Business Analyst & Marker Researcher
2015 - now : Small Business Owner
MSP (Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan) - Institut Pertanian Bogor
Magister Management (Concentration : Sustainable Business Development) - MB Institut Pertanian Bogor & Maastricht School Of Management
Certifications and Credentials
CPC - Coaching Indonesia (Nov-Des 2021)