Mutia Soerahardjo

Business & Parenting Coach


Jl. Puncak Semeru Golf no 31, Bukit Golf Hijau, Sentul City, Bogor 16810

248.75 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


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As a Co-Founder of Coaching Indonesia, Mutia is a business owner and also a mother who understands the challenges that come with juggling multiple roles in life.

Having experienced these struggles firsthand, she realized that simply having the capability to make money and raise her children wasn't enough. What she needed more than anything was the ability to empower herself as a human being, which would in turn enable her to empower her team in business, her children, and others.

The importance of self-empowerment cannot be overstated, particularly for individuals who hold multiple roles in their personal and professional lives. Given her educational background in Psychology, Mutia recognized that, as a business owner without a formal business education, she needed to acquire more knowledge and develop a better understanding of business acumen in order to achieve the scale of success she envisioned.

Additionally, she needed to manage her energy, time, and focus more effectively to meet the demands of her various responsibilities.

To achieve these goals, Mutia pursued business coach licensing from Action International in 2004, which helped her gain a deeper understanding of business strategy and develop more effective services for her clients. She also worked with an international business coach to turn her newfound knowledge into action.

Furthermore, her journey toward self-empowerment did not end there. In 2010, Mutia was diagnosed with breast cancer, which further shook her roles as a mother and wife. This experience led her to seek out a coach for managing her private life, which in turn led to a deeper level of self-awareness and a shift in mindset that enriched her personal and professional life.

Motivated by the desire to give back, Mutia pursued training certification with the International Coaching Federation in 2011 and eventually became a parenting coach in 2021. Through her experience and knowledge in psychology, she helps her clients gain clarity, develop a deeper sense of awareness, and adopt new mindsets that empower them to take action and overcome challenges.

In essence, Mutia's story highlights the importance of self-empowerment and the value of having someone who can provide support, clarity, and guidance along the way. As a coach, Mutia is here to help you achieve your own goals and empower you to live your best life.

Other Professions


Other Certifications



Bahasa Indonesia,English

Layanan Coaching dari Mutia Soerahardjo

Parenting with Heart
Parenting with Heart

Kenali diri Anda sebagai orang tua yang mampu membangun hubungan berkualitas dengan anak dan temukan strategi yang tepat untuk membesarkan anak di lingkungan keluarga yan...

Total Sesi: 4 Delivery: Online Duration: 60 min/sesi

Parenting for Millennial Parents
Parenting for Millennial Parents

Kenali diri Anda sebagai seorang millennial yang sedang membesarkan anak dan ingin membangun pola asuh yang tepat di zaman yang serba digital dan menantang ini....

Total Sesi: 4 Delivery: Online Duration: 60 min/sesi

Eliminate Bad Habits
Eliminate Bad Habits

Hilangkan kebiasaan buruk dan pikiran negatif agar Anda menjadi orang yang lebih produktif dan berprestasi....

Total Sesi: 4 Delivery: Online Duration: 60 min/sesi

Starting a New Business for Millennials
Starting a New Business for Millennials

Sukses memulai bisnis bagi kamu sebagai millennial yang punya jiwa entrepreneurship....

Total Sesi: 4 Delivery: Online Duration: 60 min/sesi

Women Empowerment Leadership
Women Empowerment Leadership

4 (empat) kali sesi personal coaching bagi Anda sebagai perempuan yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan kepemimpinan dari kepercayaan diri yang utuh....

Total Sesi: 4 Delivery: Online Duration: 60 min/sesi

Apa kata coachee tentang Mutia Soerahardjo ?

2 years ago

sangat membantu dalam memberikan insight dalam parenting, dan memberikan pola pola yg cocok dalam komunikasi di parenting

Erin Trisnadika - Pelindo
2 years ago

thank you Bu mutia, membuka mata saya agar lebih "menyadari"

2 years ago

pembicaraan yang bagus mendapatkan jawaban yang dipertanyakan

Kemas Bobby Adhitya Pratama - LPS
2 years ago

Insightful talks with mbak mutia hehe ternyata baru sadar akan hal-hal yang ada dalam diri sehingga nantinya bisa mewujudkan visi saya dalam 2 bulan kedepan. Waiting for another talks and challenges. Terima kasih mbak mutia

2 years ago

Membuka pikiran saya dalam berkomunikasi dengan anak yang lebih baik. Mencoba memahami cara pandang anaknya terlebih dahulu. Tidak memaksakan keinginan atau ketakutan kita sebagai orangtua kepada anak

Aulia Niisa (Aulia) - Coaching Indonesia
2 years ago

Terimakasih coach Mutiaa, setelah sesi coaching saya semakin mengetahui kendala dan bagian mana yang perlu dikembangkan lagi dari diri saya. Pembawaannya juga santai 🥰✨ sekali lagi terimakasih banyak coach Mutiaaa