Executive Coach, Leadership Coach

Muti Sutojo

Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.9 of 5

Having more than 25 years experiences in the field of Marketing, Retail Business, Learning & Development and Human Resources in Food Industry, Banking, Telecommunication and Consumer Goods from various local and multinational companies.

As Associate Certified Coach, she has been doing Professional Coach since 2014. Her coaching specialization is in Leadership, Career and Self Growth. As a coach, she transforms her self-finding to help others to grow.

Her coaching approach base on developing self awereness from her clients in finding their vision and clarity as leader along with changing their mindset, behavior and actions more strategically. She believes with those approaches, her clients not only could find the meaning on what they are doing to give better impact for others.

She is also an author, especially about traveling.as she has been traveling to more than 70 countries. 

*Master Degree of Management - Prasetiya Mulya University
*Bachelor Degree from Faculty of Economics and Business - University of Indonesia
*Bachelor of English Education - IKIP jakarta (now UNJ)
*Harlan Community High School, Harlan, Iowa, USA - AFS scholarship program

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