Leadership Coach, Self-Growth Coach, Wellness Coach

Nalindra Annalia

Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.9 of 5

Nalindra has extensive experience working with government, non-government and international organizations, and managing projects and programs that support the development of ASEAN youth and community. Nalindra has worked with different organizations and NGOs to develop, conceptualize, and implement youth development programs with various topics from Women, Gender Equality, Communications and Advocacy, Education, Sustainable Development, Good Governance, Economic Empowerment, and Health. She delivered successful programs with regional impact and build strong network and collaboration with stakeholders through efficiency, passion to create a network of changemakers, high commitment, dedication, and action-oriented approach.
In 2019, Nalindra was selected to be one of the Obama Foundation Leaders: Asia Pacific. This is a one-year leadership development and community engagement program that seeks to inspire, empower, and connect emerging leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region. Through this program, Nalindra experience a journey of value-based leadership with the other leaders from 33 countries across Asia Pacific.  

Exposed with inspiring young leaders in the programs she designed and managed, she values meaningful conversations and recognize the power of purpose-driven community as a support system that helps people grow professionally and personally. And with this, she developed interest in coaching along her professional journey. Through coaching, she aspire to facilitate and reinforce more people to be avenues of change independently as well collectively as a global community.

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