Nina Hermina

Self Growth and Life Coach


Jakarta Selatan

65.75 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

Nina has been working in corporations for approximately 10 years as an internal trainer. and his career journey as an independent trainer and a life coach began when he experienced the loss of a loved one. about 5 years ago, he studied and kept forging himself so she could rise from a helpless state to a better condition. and Nina help a lot of people who have experienced the same thing (special for grieving) but also help a lot of clients with problems regarding careers and personal relationships.

Nina writes about her experiences of getting up and healing herself in an anthology book entitled "Imperfect me" and "Ayat-ayat Cinta Penyembuh Luka" and is currently still actively writing with the Nulisyuk community, and is preparing a third book entitled "Self Love Journal".

Work Experiences

Other Professions

Business Owner


Certifications and Credentials

- Book Author 
- Certified Professional Coach
- Certified Hypnotherapy
- Mindfulness Practioner
- Essential NLP 
- Essential Neuro Semantic
- Certified Modul and member from Tempa Trainers Guild
- Certified Financial Planner
- Certified Green Belt (Six Sigma)

Other Certifications

Hypnotheraphy, Mindfulness, Konselor, Certified Financial Planner, Green Belt



Bahasa Indonesia,English

Apa kata coachee tentang Nina Hermina ?

Adhi Subhana
Adhi Subhana
6 months ago

Membantu meningkatkan kepercayaan diri untuk mengambil keputusan besar

Adhi Subhana
Adhi Subhana
6 months ago

Alhamdulillah semakin tajam dan fokus

Putri Salma
6 months ago

Alhamdulillah bangett semuanya semakin clear setelah coaching, aku jadi nangkep hal yg menyulitkan diri aku sendirii, aku jadi tau gimana harus menghadapinyaa.. thank's a lot tehhh Ninaa

Bagikan profile Nina Hermina
Location Jakarta Selatan Member since 8 November 2022 Status Available Gender Female