Self Growth and Life Coach

Nina Hermina

Career, Self-Growth, Wellness Coaching

Coaching Hours





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Nina has been working in corporations for approximately 10 years as an internal trainer. and his career journey as an independent trainer and a life coach began when he experienced the loss of a loved one. about 5 years ago, he studied and kept forging himself so she could rise from a helpless state to a better condition. and Nina help a lot of people who have experienced the same thing (special for grieving) but also help a lot of clients with problems regarding careers and personal relationships.

Nina writes about her experiences of getting up and healing herself in an anthology book entitled "Imperfect me" and "Ayat-ayat Cinta Penyembuh Luka" and is currently still actively writing with the Nulisyuk community, and is preparing a third book entitled "Self Love Journal".

- Book Author 
- Certified Professional Coach
- Certified Hypnotherapy
- Mindfulness Practioner
- Essential NLP 
- Essential Neuro Semantic
- Certified Modul and member from Tempa Trainers Guild
- Certified Financial Planner
- Certified Green Belt (Six Sigma)

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