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Ophira Aryanti Suryaputra - Inspiring Transformation Through Self-Growth Coaching
Ophira Aryanti, fondly known as Coach Ophi, is an experienced professional in the banking industry, specializing in service and People Development for over 10 years. With expertise as a practitioner as a member of team to analyzes, designs, and directly engages as a trainer and coach for various development programs, such as MDP (Management Development Program), LDP (Leadership Development Program), and Service Quality Training for Front Liner.
Dedicated to driving both individual and organizational development, Ophira Aryanti Suryaputra utilizes her Certified Professional Coach (CPC), expertise in the realm of leadership, career, and self-growth coaching. She has honed her coaching prowess over 107 illuminating hours, fostering growth and change in over 67 clients, garnering an impressive 5 out of 5 rating.
In a bid to create conscious contributors to society, Ophira employs her deep passion for connecting with people from all walks of life, sparking new ideas that propel them towards achievement, notably among the younger generation grappling with the 'Quarter Life Crisis', as well as individuals with disabilities
She is a compassionate and dedicated HR professional with a mission to enhance people development skills through coaching in the banking industry. While relatively new to coaching, her intention to drive synergy and collaboration among individuals show cases her commitment to personal growth.
Beyond her professional pursuits, Ophi is a passionate advocate for empowering the deafcommunity, enabling them to embrace life's opportunities to the fullest.
She has excelled in coaching and empowering numerous millennial and gen-z clients, igniting positive transformations in their personal and professional lives. Her coaching expertise has resulted in elevated workplace engagement and fostered harmonious relationships among individuals and teams.
Through her empathetic and skillful guidance, clients have unlocked their potential and embraced a growth mindset, leading to remarkable achievements and enhanced well-being.
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of personal and professional growth?Connect with Ophi today for empowering coaching. Achieve remarkable growth in your Journey.
Work Experiences
Profesional Coach (2022 - sekarang):
Kementrian Pendidikan & Kebudayaan (2022 - 2023), Instruktur Fasilitator Calon Guru Penggerak Ang.7 & Ang.8
Happiness Family & Dampaksosial.id (2023), Caoch Fasilitator Sosial Enterpreunership Program
PT. Bank Sinarmas, Tbk.
Learning Event & Servicess Dept Head (2018 - sekarang)
Service Quality Sec.Head & Trainer (2014 - 2018)
Service Quality Development Officer & Trainer (2012 - 2014)
Management Development Program Batch 28 (2011 - 2012)
PT. Sarimunik Mandiri
Public Relations Assistant Manager (2010 - 2011)
PT Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk.
Front Liner - Teller (2009 - 2010)
Other Professions
Coaching Indonesia - Jakarta (Juni 2022)
Certified Profesional Coach
ESQ - Jakarta (September 2019)
Public Speaking BNSP - Sertifikasi Public Speaker
LCCI International Qualifications (2006)
Level 3 - Public Relations
Universitas London School of Public Relation - Jakarta (2005-2009)
Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi - Public Relations
Certifications and Credentials
Coaching Indonesia - Jakarta (Juni 2022)
Certified Profesional Coach
PCCP Batch 114
Coach Certified BNSP (2023)
Instruktur Modul Coaching - Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Trainer Modul Coaching for Supervisor - Bank Sinarmas
Trainer Modul Coaching for BMDP - SMMF
Coach Fasilitatir - Happy Family & Dampaksosial.id
Apa kata coachee tentang Ophira Aryanti Suryaputra ?
Sherla N Sari
Selalu membantu dalam mencarikan solusi, yang dimana solusinya juga ternyata dari diri sendiri. Keep moving forward, yas!
Sarlina Nurindah Hutahayan
Bu Ophira membuat sesi jd lebih santai karena pemakaian bahasa yg tdk baku sehingga jd seperti berbincang dengan teman sendiri
Tenny Oktarina
Sangat membantu saya dalam menemukan inti masalah dari problem saya. Saya jadi tercerahkan dan tau apa hal spesifik yang harus dilakukan. Terimakasih coach!
Sarlina Nurindah Hutahayan
Menurut saya program sharing ini sangat baik, apalagi Bu Ophira menyebutkannya sebagai mitra/ teman sharing jd lebih bisa terbuka tanpa rasa canggung. Bu Ophira juga menggunakan bahasa yang sangat formal jd saya merasa sedang ngobrol sama teman sendiri :D
Weliansyah Arundhani
Sesi coaching ini telah membantu saya menggambarkan secara lebih jelas terkait visi saya kedepannya, saya juga menjadi lebih temotivasi untuk dapat menjadi salah satu karyawan potensial nantinya.
Hayyu Salzhabillah - Coaching Indonesia
1st coaching yg enjoy banget, but it's so help me to create a plan whose support my goal :)
Sherla N Sari
What a great Coaching, Coach. Thanks a bunch.
Andre Diwa Aji Pratama
Sangat membantu untuk mengenalo potensi diri maupun untuk meraih goal kita