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Working for more than 7 years in the field of Career Management and Leadership Development, Pramwidya Novia, or in short Widya, has experienced with various dynamics in career development and leadership development. Starting from her first research during undergraduate regarding the role of social support in adolescent career decision-making, Widya developed an interest in the world of careers and decided to pursue a career in this field until now.
For approximately 6 years of experience, Widya has served many people through career and competence coaching, as well as employee counseling. Her consulting and coaching skills are also honed through her involvement in various cross-cultural projects. In 2019, she took a Master's degree in Business Psychology at The University of Queensland which has helped her broaden the perspective on how business and people can collaborate with each other for mutual success.
By upholding the values of partnership, Widya can help each individual to develop a career at any age, self-marketing support for people who are looking for work, coaching in job search techniques, and workshops to increase personal effectiveness.
Meanwhile, organizations can consult to design career development or self-development programs, leadership programs, coaching and mentoring programs, and receive support on employee counseling in the process of organizational restructuring and redundancy or outplacement programs.
Some topics that you can discuss and Widya has expertise in are including:
1. Career managament
2. Career mobility
3. Career choice
4. Competency related issues
5. Study abroad preparation
6. Career decision making
7. Emotions regulation at the workplace
8. Self-management
9. Employee well-being
10. Job interviews and preparation
You only have yourself to stand up. Invest more on yourself, have a compassion and understanding, believe in yourself more, and see that you are powerful enough to face the world.
Work Experiences
Career Management Analyst at Kementerian Keuangan
Internal Counselor at Kementerian Keuangan
Australia Awards Scholarships Awardee (2017)
Culture & Learning Journey Team at Telkomsel Indonesia
Human Resource Transformation Team at The University of Queensland
Human Resource Recruiting Specialist at Citibank, NA
Student Counselor Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
Bachelor in Psychology, University of Indonesia
Master of Business Psychology, The University of Queensland, Australia
Certifications and Credentials
Workplace Counseling Training
Professional Certified Coach
Certified Professional Talent Management
Assessment Center Assessor Certification
Mental Health First Aider Australia
Apa kata coachee tentang Pramwidya Novia ?
Centiana Arie Widjajanti - Coaching Indonesia
Terima kasih telah memberikan dukungan dengan membantu memberikan ide untuk peningkatan kegiatan BAPIA.
Sarah A
sesi kali ini sangat seru ! Pram mengajari saya tentang apa saja yang lazimnya dicari oleh para psikolog ketika kita melakukan wawancara beasiswa seperti durability, artikulasi kata, emotion control dsb ! Sebagai orang yang bukan berasal dari latar belakang psikologi, hal ini sangat memberikan pencerahan kepada saya :D
Centiana Arie Widjajanti - Coaching Indonesia
Kegiatan Coaching ke 2: Coach mendorong untuk saya lebih berani untuk melakukan presentasi. Menggali kendala-kendala yang dirasakan dan memberikan cara mengatasi kendala tersebut.
Centiana Arie Widjajanti - Coaching Indonesia
Sesi Coaching Ke 3: Coach membukakan wawasan pada saya tentang detil yang perlu disampaikan dalam presentasi dan juga proposal, seperti menyampaikan manfaat apa yang akan diterima oleh pihak yang diajak bekerja sama, memberikan detil pembiayaan dalam proposal, juga, lebih memerinci visi dan misi dalam proposal atau presentasinya.
Sarah A
semakin latihan, hamdallah semakin berprogress dan lancar. Pramwidya is a great mentor because she also guides you how to answer psychological question accurately and she provides some example answers !
Ardhito J
Great coach, fluent either in english or bahasa
Ardhito J
Helpfull, inspirative as a scholarship awardee
Ardhito J
interesting ideas for essay writing