Putu Hartana Wijaya, M.M, ACC

Leadership, Career and Intuitive Coach


Denpasar Bali

391.75 Coaching Hours


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Putu Hartana Wijaya (Bli Putu) is a dedicated professional coach committed to assisting clients reach their best version. With over 5 years of experience and more than 350 coaching sessions, Bli Putu specializes in leadership, career, and intuitive coaching. His approach is centered on empowering individuals to discover and harness their full potential

Bli Putu is a Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He has a background in Learning & Development and Human Resources Leader in International Hotel chain.

Bli Putu adeptly navigates conversations, helping others explore their ideas and capabilities. Whether it's unearthing leadership potential or identifying the ideal career path, Bli Putu strives to facilitate transformations with a compassionate and human approach.

With Bli Putu as your coach, you can expect:

- A coaching experience that is empathetic, insightful, and tailored to unlock your highest potential.
- Ability to provide clarity, inspire new ideas, and help them reflect on their actions

Contact Bli Putu today to begin best of yourself coaching journey!

Work Experiences

3,5 years as Area Director of Human Resources, IHG Bali Resorts
8 years as Director of Human Resources, Holiday Inn Baruna & Benoa
6 years as Human Resources Manager, Intercontinental Bali Resorts & Bali Dynasty Resort
6,5 years as Training Manager, Holiday Inn Lombok, Bali Dynasty Resort and Intercontinental Bali Resort
7 years operation Team


Graduated of the Masters degree in Human Resource Management.
Graduated Bachelor Degree

Certifications and Credentials

Associate Certified Coach, ICF
Advanced Coaching Retreat, Bali
Executive Coaching Certification, Jakarta
Professional Coaching Certification, Jakarta
Intuitive Coaching Card Practioner, Jakarta 
Intuitive Leadership Coaching, Jakarta
Leadership Coaching Workshop, Kualalumpur


ITB Bandung, ITS Surabaya, Francisco College, Poltek Par Bali, Royal Santrian, Holiday Inn Resort Baruna, New Sunari Lovina Beach Resort, Alila Seminyak, Majas Hospitality, Wyndam Uluwatu, Bank Indonesia, Mendikbud & Ristek, ELNusa, Marriott, Royal Regantris Kuta

Layanan Coaching dari Putu Hartana Wijaya, M.M, ACC

Be a Successful Manager
Be a Successful Manager

Kembangkan diri Anda menjadi Manajer yang efektif melalui 4 kali pertemuan coaching bersama Leadership Coach pilihan Anda....

Improve Communication and Confidence
Improve Communication and Confidence

Bangun kepercayaan diri dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, terutama jika Anda bekerja di lingkungan yang menuntut berbicara di depan orang atau kelompok....

Apa kata coachee tentang Putu Hartana Wijaya, M.M, ACC ?

Bhalchandra Deshmukh
1 year ago

Got clarity about Niche,Target segment & the differentiating value that I as a coach can bring to my prospective clients

Dela Haga channel
Dela Haga channel - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

Sangat membantu menemukan apa yg perlu di kembangkan dalam diri secara pribadi dan juga sebagai pemimpin sehingga kedepannya bisa lebih efektif. Terimakasih Coach Putu Hartana atas pertemuan pertama yang sangat berkesan.

Bhalchandra Deshmukh
1 year ago

I was able to breakdown my problem in 2 parts clearly. Putu held the space for me & asked questions which helped me to explore & breakdown my problem into 2 distinct challenges. I also realized what are the challenges that are holding me back

Puty Puar - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

2x sesi coaching dengan coach Putu, enak sekali diajak ngobrol dan bisa sangat membantu refleksi apa yang sudah saya lakukan. Sesi coaching dengan coach Putu juga memberi inspirasi dan ide untuk melakukan hal baru. Makasih Coach!

Salsabila Khairunnisa - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

percakapan mengalir begitu saja sampai ga sadar udh 1 jam, terima kasih coach sudah menjadi pendengar yang baik, dari sesi yang dilakukan memberikanku banyak sekali pandangan mengenai potensi yang aku miliki, tujuan dan juga bagaimana cara mewujudkan mimpi-mimpiku, sekali lagi terima kasih coach.

David Michael Baldwin
1 year ago

Coach Putu was a great help in making me understand what my main doubt was and what exactly it was that I wanted! I am grateful to him for helping me! Now I have a new PA I have a great feeling about

Abdillah Sanad
Abdillah Sanad
1 year ago

Coach Putu membantu saya untuk melihat keadaan di dalam diri saya menjadi lebih jelas. Saya jadi bisa memilih jalan yang paling sesuai dengan situasi saat ini dan tipe kepribadian saya

Ade Setiawan
1 year ago

The discussion was relaxed and interesting, Coach Putu was able to dig deeper so I could find what I was looking for and confirm the steps I was taking. Thank you Coach Putu.

Bagikan profile Putu Hartana Wijaya, M.M, ACC
Location Denpasar Bali Member since 14 Juli 2020 Status Available Gender Male