Leadership and Mental Health Coach

Raka Widasmara

Leadership, Career, Wellness Coaching

Coaching Hours





4.9 of 5

Professional Summary:

Having more than 16 years experience including strategic role for HR Management and Development in national, multinational, and state company across various industry (mining, consumer goods, and manufacturing) especially in people and leadership development lead to expertise as Leadership and Mental Health Coach.

Educational Background:
- MBA Human Resource and Organization at MM UGM
- Bachelor Degree Psychology at UI

- Coaching Certification - Coaching Professional Coach
- Coaching Executive Coach by Coaching Indonesia
- Knowledge Management Certification by Dunamis
- NLP Licensed Business Practicioner Certification by Inspirasi Indonesia
- Assessor Certification by BNSP MSDM Indonesia
- ACC Certification by ICF
- Mindfulness and mental health practicioner


S1 Psikologi UI
S2 MBA UGM HR and organization

ACC Certification by ICF

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