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Empowering Your Journey to a Fulfilled Career and Life
Unleash Your Potential and Thrive Together
Are you longing for a career that brings out the best in you? Ready to embrace change and step into a fulfilling life? Look no further – Coach Anez is here to be your compassionate partner, helping you transforming your aspirations into reality.
Your Partner in Growth
With over 10,000 hours of experience in Recruiting and her current role as HR Business Partner, Coach Anez possesses a unique skillset for spotting talents within people and to map it across different roles, functions, businesses and industries. With her support, you'll unlock your hidden potential, discover your authentic self, and confidently navigate through your career challenges.
Embracing Change and Overcoming Challenges
Coach Anez's journey includes experiencing a Career Break, but that didn't stop her from returning to the corporate world and even growing from where she left off. Her resilience and adaptability will inspire and guide you through any career transitions or challenges you may face.
Whether you're a Career Grower (a person who aims for bigger roles / better companies), Career Switcher (a person who aims for new roles / move to other industries), or a Career Starter (a person who aims to land their first job / passion) - all of those opportunities is possible to be pursue by "Creating your own luck."
Throughout the coaching process, we'll maximize your strengths, assets, and opportunities. You'll have a Partner whose open, non-judgemental, listening, supportive, and allowing you to explore your inner self and discover the path that aligns with your passions.
Start Your Transformation Journey, with a Reliable Partner
Embrace your talents, embrace change, and become the best version of yourself. I know, taking a leap of faith alone might be scary. So why not starting those transformative journey together with Coach Anez? With her compassionate guidance, you'll gain the confidence to make the leap towards your dream career.
Get to know your Coach:
Rastrianez, S.Psi., M.M., CPC
Professionally, Coach Anez is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) that holds a Business Management Master’s Degree from Prasetiya Mulya University and a Psychology Bachelor’s Degree from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. She's an HR professional whose currently working as Sr. HRBP Manager at Maxx Coffee with previous experience as a Recruiter for 5 years in Starbucks Indonesia with latest position as Talent Acquisition Manager. She's also fulfilling her career aspirations by being a Professional Career Coach and experienced RevoU's Career Coach.
Generally, Anez is an aspiring life-transformer – taking roles as coach, mentor, speaker, trainer, and educator. Passionate in Human Development, her purpose in life is to be able to help others and contributes to the community, by inspiring people to take the path of growth, in life generally and in career especially. Her mission in life is:
To empower aspiring talents becoming the best version of themselves, and living their Career & Life by own choice.
Personally, Anez is a life-learner who is currently in pursuit of a meaningful life, that is to have a quality, joyful, balanced, and fulfilling life. To learn more about life, she expands her horizon through the diverse lens of psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. To experience more of life, she’s practicing yoga, meditation, and journaling to work on her inner-self – evoke awareness, stretch consciousness, and mindfulness. With that said, she’s on her journey to improve her holistic well-being.
Work Experiences
COACH Field:
- Professional Career Coach (2019-Present)
- Co-founder, Talk to Coach (2019-Present)
- Career Coach, RevoU (2021-2022)
HR Field:
- Sr. HRBP Manager, Maxx Coffee (2022-Present)
- Talent Acquisition Manager, Starbucks Indonesia (2018-2019)
- Talent Acquisition Assistant Manager, Starbucks Indonesia (2017-2018)
- Recruitment Specialist, Starbucks Indonesia (2015-2017)
- Recruitment Executive, BRecruit Indonesia (2014-2015)
- Master of Business Management, Prasetiya Mulya University (2020)
- Bachelor of Psychology, Atma Jaya University of Indonesia (2014)
Certifications and Credentials
- Certified Professional Coach, Coaching Indonesia (2019)
- Certified Assessor of Competence, BNSP (2016-2019)
Recruiting Portfolio (>10.000 hours)
- Reviewing thousands of CVs & Interviewing thousands of candidates.
- Experienced Industries: F&B Retail (majority), FMCG, FMCE, Financial, and Educational industry.
Coaching Portfolio (>250 hours)
- Institutions: Pertamina EP, PJB, Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, RevoU.
- Individuals: Fresh graduate/Career Starter, Career Switcher, Career Grower - HR, Psychologist, Marketer, Digital Marketer, Engineer, Supply Chain
Speaking Portfolio (>100 hours)
- Institutions: Starbucks Indonesia, RevoU, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Kristen Petra, Universitas Putera Batam
- Community:
AIESEC Nottingham Malaysia, PPI Tiongkok, Perhumas Muda Malang Raya, JCI Batavia, Vision 4 Future, Chill Chill Mango, Ibu Punya Mimpi, Female in Action
- As appeared on:
Udemy, MULA Indonesia, PKSS, KomoJobs, Loopinc.id, HRD Program Center, KitaJuara.id
Apa kata coachee tentang Rastrianez S.Psi., M.M., CPC ?
Wawan Hafid Syaifudin - LPDP
Saya sangat senang bisa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menjadi coachee dari coach Anez. Beliau dapat membantu saya untuk melakukan brainstorming terkait rencana pencapaian visi dan jenjang karir saya ke depan. Selain itu, coach Anez juga memberikan beberapa tips dan pengetahuan mengenai time management dan mental health management. Terima kasih telah membantu saya selama proses coaching ini.
Katherina Liandy
Makasih ka Anez sudah membantu dalam menguraikan pikiranku yang sangat rumit sehingga akhirnya bisa mendapat kesimpulan yang menjawab pertanyaan selama ini. Suka banget project journaling, artikel, hingga e-book yang diberikan ka Anez sehingga wawasan jadi semakin terbuka :D
Andhini Widya Widhita
I had a fantastic time during these sessions. Anez guides me to be aware of my thoughts in order to deal with my situations. Also, taught me how to maintain & control my perspectives so I can handle things clearly. Never thought coaching is much needed until I tried one.
Uzman Hilvan Mahani
Keraguan saya terjawab saat saya memberanikan diri untuk melakukan coaching. Coach Anez membantu saya dalam memahami dan menggali pilihan karir saya yaitu self employed. Proses coaching membuat saya lebih memahami panggilan diri yang sesungguhnya. Terimakasih Coach Anez telah membantu mengarahkan proses diri saya untuk lebih siap atas pilihan yang saya pilih. Salam Hangat 😊
Yasmin Jamilah
There were so many new things that I learned during the entirety of our 90 minutes session! First of all, Kak Anez helped me to reassess and redirect my goals properly. She helped me assess my skills, experience, and interests that would be very beneficial during my personal career hunt. She was able to strike a balance of careful listening with sharing her experience and ideas. She quickly pinpointed my current situation and helped me to open up to new perspectives that are very valuable and insightful. has helped me develop ways to deal with situations using my own knowledge and self-awareness. Kak Anez also helped me to develop a plan or concept for what I want my career to look for. Her coaching style and method is very effective, helping me to refocus my energies and attention for my current situation. It is amazing to see that with only 90 minutes, she helped to view my situation from a completely new angle. Thank you so much for the inspiring, insightful, and energizing coaching session!
Azmi Said Al Ghifari
terimakasih banyak ka anez setelah sekian kali coaching sama ka anez sangat2 membantu saya ! alhamdulillah bisa lolos ke perusahaan yang saya inginkan. thank you ka anez !
Ni Nyoman Sri Maryati
The first coaching with Anez quickly I knew that she is the right person to coach me. the way of her communicating was very easy to hear but very touching, I can easily explain my problems and she helps me to organize my plan on going forward. I highly recommend her as a coach
Rahmat Juang
A coaching session with Anez was a wonderful experience for me. I got a lot of insight about today best practice of methodically shifting careers. Not only that, I also learnt a lot about myself during the process. All in all, a very productive and also a joyous process to work together with and to be coached by Anez! It was a smooth sailing. Thank you Anez!