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Syarifa Hana Wibowo, commonly known as Riri, is a dedicated coach with a passion for enhancing people's development skills, especially among the youth. Though relatively new to coaching, Riri has a strong intention to foster synergy and collaboration in people's lives, encouraging them to become better versions of themselves both professionally and personally.
Riri has a degree in Guidance and Counseling at the State University of Jakarta. This academic background provides her with a solid foundation in understanding human behaviour, psychology, and effective communication, which she skillfully applies in her coaching sessions.
Coaching Focus and Impact:
Riri's coaching practice predominantly focuses on millennials and Gen-Z clients, making up 95% of her clientele. Her ability to connect with and understand the unique challenges faced by young people has made her coaching approach highly effective in facilitating growth and development in this demographic. Through her guidance, Riri has witnessed a noticeable increase in engagement and reduced conflicts in both workplace and academic environments. These positive changes are a testament to the powerful impact of her coaching style.
Coaching Approach:
Riri's coaching style is characterized by driving synergy and collaboration among individuals, aiming to develop a better version of themselves both personally and professionally. Her coaching philosophy centers on empowering clients to unlock their potential and achieve their aspirations. She employs unique techniques that facilitate growth and development, enabling clients to navigate challenges effectively.
Coaching Philosophy:
Riri believes that coaching is a collaborative journey where she serves as a supportive guide, helping her clients discover their unique strengths, goals, and aspirations. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, empathy, and open-mindedness in her coaching approach, recognizing that each individual's path to success is different. By empowering her clients to harness their potential, Riri is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of young people as they navigate the challenges and opportunities that come their way. Her guiding principles of empathy, active listening, adaptability, and a commitment to ongoing self-improvement are at the core of Riri's coaching practice. She firmly believes in empowering individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their true potential.
Founder of Coaching For Youth:
Riri's passion for coaching young people extends beyond her individual practice. Alongside her friend, She founded "Coaching For Youth," an organization that places its primary focus on coaching development for young individuals in their career pursuits, academic endeavours, and personal growth. Through this organization, Riri aims to create a positive and supportive environment for the youth to thrive and reach their full potential.
Since a young age, Riri has had a profound interest in music and arts. These creative pursuits have shaped her approach to coaching, allowing her to incorporate elements of self-expression, creativity, and innovative thinking into her sessions. Her passion for music and arts also enables her to connect with clients on a deeper level, fostering a safe and inspiring space for self-exploration and growth.
In summary, Riri is an ambitious and empathetic coach whose dedication to enhancing the development of young people shines through her coaching practice. With a strong focus on synergy, collaboration, and personal growth, Riri's coaching has proven transformative for her millennial and Gen-Z clients, helping them thrive in their professional and personal lives. Her passion for music and arts adds a unique and creative touch to her coaching sessions, making her a highly sought-after coach for the youth.
For those interested in Riri's coaching services, her contact information and website are easily accessible, reflecting her approachability and willingness to connect with potential clients.
Riri has a degree in Guidance and Counseling at the State University of Jakarta. This academic background provides her with a solid foundation in understanding human behaviour, psychology, and effective communication, which she skillfully applies in her coaching sessions.
Coaching Focus and Impact:
Riri's coaching practice predominantly focuses on millennials and Gen-Z clients, making up 95% of her clientele. Her ability to connect with and understand the unique challenges faced by young people has made her coaching approach highly effective in facilitating growth and development in this demographic. Through her guidance, Riri has witnessed a noticeable increase in engagement and reduced conflicts in both workplace and academic environments. These positive changes are a testament to the powerful impact of her coaching style.
Coaching Approach:
Riri's coaching style is characterized by driving synergy and collaboration among individuals, aiming to develop a better version of themselves both personally and professionally. Her coaching philosophy centers on empowering clients to unlock their potential and achieve their aspirations. She employs unique techniques that facilitate growth and development, enabling clients to navigate challenges effectively.
Coaching Philosophy:
Riri believes that coaching is a collaborative journey where she serves as a supportive guide, helping her clients discover their unique strengths, goals, and aspirations. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, empathy, and open-mindedness in her coaching approach, recognizing that each individual's path to success is different. By empowering her clients to harness their potential, Riri is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of young people as they navigate the challenges and opportunities that come their way. Her guiding principles of empathy, active listening, adaptability, and a commitment to ongoing self-improvement are at the core of Riri's coaching practice. She firmly believes in empowering individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their true potential.
Founder of Coaching For Youth:
Riri's passion for coaching young people extends beyond her individual practice. Alongside her friend, She founded "Coaching For Youth," an organization that places its primary focus on coaching development for young individuals in their career pursuits, academic endeavours, and personal growth. Through this organization, Riri aims to create a positive and supportive environment for the youth to thrive and reach their full potential.
Since a young age, Riri has had a profound interest in music and arts. These creative pursuits have shaped her approach to coaching, allowing her to incorporate elements of self-expression, creativity, and innovative thinking into her sessions. Her passion for music and arts also enables her to connect with clients on a deeper level, fostering a safe and inspiring space for self-exploration and growth.
In summary, Riri is an ambitious and empathetic coach whose dedication to enhancing the development of young people shines through her coaching practice. With a strong focus on synergy, collaboration, and personal growth, Riri's coaching has proven transformative for her millennial and Gen-Z clients, helping them thrive in their professional and personal lives. Her passion for music and arts adds a unique and creative touch to her coaching sessions, making her a highly sought-after coach for the youth.
For those interested in Riri's coaching services, her contact information and website are easily accessible, reflecting her approachability and willingness to connect with potential clients.
Other Professions
Certifications and Credentials
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Growth Coach
Other Certifications
Brevet Pajak A-B
Bahasa Indonesia,English
Apa kata coachee tentang Syarifa Hana Wibowo ?
Rahma Larasati
Coachingnya sangat seru dan menyenangkan!! i feel better bgt after consul. hope bisa sering konsul ke sini karena memudahkan permasalahan hidup. thanks coach!
Eleazar B.
terima kasih banyak kak riri untuk di sesi 2 kali ini membantu saya untuk memonitor apa yang sudah saya lakukan dan membuat planning untuk kedepannya. sesi 2 ini juga sama serunya dengan sesi sebelumnya. sampai bertemu di sesi selanjutnya kak!
Elsa A. Sigit - Coaching Indonesia
Saya merasa senang sekali karena terdapat perubahan-perubahan yang menurut saya cukup besar yang saya alami, kemudian bisa menceritakan semua yang terjadi ke Coach Riri dan mendapat validasi. Memang dari pertemuan sebelumnya, seharusnya saya mendalami/mengerjakan tugas2 di kegiatan sekolah saya sbg mitra, namun terkendala selama bulan puasa jadi semacam istirahat dahulu, nanti akan saya lanjutkan lagi, ternyata malah saya mendapatkan kesempatan baru yang lain sesudah Lebaran. Mudah-mudah tetap ada benang merahnya dari apa yang selama ini saya kerjakan di pekerjaan saya sebelumnya, saat sesudah resign dari kantor yang lama, juga kegiatan saya yang sekarang saya kerjakan di kantor lama walaupun hanya bekerja sementara selama 3 bulan saja. Sekali lagi terima kasih Coach Riri mendampingi saya di saat, bisa dibilang, galau. Jadi saya punya teman untuk berpegangan tangan.
Hayyu Nurrafi Awalsari
terimakasih atas sesi pertama yang berkesan, sepanjang sesi coaching terasa santai namun pembicaraan terarah. dan pada akhirnya saya merasa ada support untuk melakukan yang terbaik terhadap rencana saya
Zelfa Lola Maretha
My 2nd session with Coach Riri, it was amazing, I'm able to pinpoint the problem that may rise in the future and have some alternatives to resolve it. And it's pretty clear to me about my goals, so it motivates me more to do what I wanna do.
Paramita Tri Ratna - Coaching Indonesia
Coach Riri sangat membantu untuk menata path jadi step by step yang runut. Saya juga jadi merasa optimis untuk bisa melakukannya.
Eleazar B.
terima kasih banyak kak riri sudah membantu saya melihat apa yang sebenarnya menjadi prioritas dalam hidup saya. untuk sesi pertama ini sangat seru karna kak riri membawakan dengan santai tapi juga membuat saya membuka mata pada apa yang belum pernah saya pertimbangkan sebelumnya. semoga untuk sesi selanjutnya sudah ada progress dari apa yang bisa saya dapatkan di sesi pertama. once again thank you!
Elsa A. Sigit - Coaching Indonesia
Sesungguhnya hal-hal yang harus saya lakukan sudah saya ketahui sebelumnya, hanya butuh dorongan kecil saja untuk membuat saya melakukan apa yang harus saya kerjakan. Kebiasaan bekerja sebelumnya yang tanpa target membuat saya enggan bekerja dengan target sekarang ini. Terima kasih Coach Riri sudah menyadarkan bahwa saya memang harus mulai menjalankan apa yang sudah saya rencanakan sebelumnya.