Sania Irafiyanti

Coach of Empathy



44.5 Coaching Hours


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Hi, my name is Sania Irafiyanti. Please call me Ira. I have 17 years of experience in corporate as People Development. 

Let my quote from Daring Greatly that hit me and hopefully can give you a better understanding our journey in our coaching session

We all have shame. We all have good and bad, dark and light. Inside of us. But if we don’t come to terms with our shame, our struggles, we start believing that there’s something wrong with us – that we’re bad, flawed, not good enough – and even worse, we start acting on those beliefs. If we want to be fully engaged, to be connected, we have to be vulnerable. In order to be vulnerable, we need to develop resilience to shame (P. 61) 

As coaching intended, is to reach our full potential. To be able to do that, we have to go through a lot of step and journeys, and some of those journey can be a messy process, there is where our shame take over and take us out from our process. So let us take those process and handle our shame objectively, so we can always fully engage and reach our potentials personal and professional life. Let's sit and have a deep conversation. Cheers...

Certifications and Credentials

Executive Certified Coach (ECC), Certified Human Resource Program (CHRP). Advanced Human Capital Accomplished (AHCA)

Bagikan profile Sania Irafiyanti
Location Depok Member since 22 Maret 2021 Status Available Gender Female