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Sara Rose, a sincere Life Coach who believes in the power of inner work to create deep life transformation.
Sara's passion lies in guiding individuals to Going Inward, and maintaining the perspective that true wellness encompasses not only physical health but also harmony between mind, body, and spirit.
Sara's coaching approach is rooted in the fusion of ancient wisdom and modern psychology, with a strong emphasis on spiritual exploration.
In her practice, she embodies the law of universe, "As above so below; As within so without," guiding clients to understand that how inner self shapes outer life.
It means "Outer reality is a reflection of our inner reality"
Professional Experiences :
As a seasoned Nature Coach at Retreats, she has facilitated transformative connections with the natural world, fostering holistic well-being. Furthermore, her role as a meditation instructor has empowered others to cultivate inner peace and mindfulness.
Beyond coaching, Sara is a writer, volunteer, tarot reader and certified holistic practitioner that empower individuals to align with their inner selves and navigate life's intricate tapestry.
Whether you're seeking clarity, overcoming challenges, or striving for purpose, Sara is excited to connect with like-minded people through email : sararoseauthor@gmail.com and get ready to meet your Authentic Self :)
Other Professions
Personal Coach Psycho-Tarot Reader Nature Coach @Growing with Mother Nature Meditation Instructor at Himalaya Wellness Indonesia.
Certifications and Credentials
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified Tarot Reader
Certified Basic Pranic Healing
Certified Mental Health & Safety Well-being
Certified Meditation & Consciousness Teacher
Tapa Brata & Wellness Practitioner
Layanan Coaching dari Sara Rose

Achieve Mental Health and Balance
Bangun kesehatan mental dan keseimbangan emosi di kehidupan pribadi dan pekerjaan yang penuh dinamika dan cepat berubah....

Deeper Love
4 kali sesi coaching bersama Love Coach bagi Anda yang ingin meningkatkan kualitas hubungan dengan pasangan baik itu kekasih, suami, atau istri Anda saat ini....
Apa kata coachee tentang Sara Rose ?
Virlia Savitri
It was a really insightful session. I took a few moments to be mindful and listen. I love practicing what she suggests me to and how I can practice mindfulness throughout my day as well. Thank you for the generous support.
Stevi Naola
Terima kasih untuk Kak Sara, sesi choacing tadi sangat seruuu dan mudah dipahami. Banyak ilmu yang bagus diterapkan. Bahagia selalu semua
Ary Ambarukmi - RANGKUL
Thank you Coach Sara....you are a good listener
Ary Ambarukmi - RANGKUL
Thanks for being my good listener
Ina Walia Fathonah
Terima kasih banyak mba Sara, you help me a lot to know my self better.. Sayang banget sama coach Sara, panjang umur dan sehat selalu ya mbaaa..
Hasna Ardinda Kiswaya - Coaching Indonesia
Senang sekali bisa coaching. Jadi ngerasa dapet validasi atas yang selama ini hanya berkutat di kepala. Dari validasi tsb, jadi tau apa yang harus dan tidak boleh dilakukan. Jadi lebih mindful menghadapi hal-hal sesuai dengan karakter kita. Terimakasih Kak Sara👍
Virlia Savitri
It was my first time having a coaching session with this brilliant coach. She really has the right word choices for elaboration and comprehension and to encourage me in believing everything I have within myself. No words will never be enough to express my gratitude.
Mahyastuty Shintya
Bersama Kak Sara aku dibantu untuk mengurai isi pikiranku yg menurutku sedang rumit. Dibantu menentukan tujuan hidupku. Apa yg sebenarnya aku mau, apa yg ingin aku capai, apa yg aku prioritaskan dalam hidup. Perlahan namun pasti aku yakin pasti akan lebih bisa mengenal dan selalu terhubung dengan diri sendiri. Terima kasih banyak Kak Sara 💙