Silvia Hendarta

Wellness Coach



5 Coaching Hours


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Silvia is a former corporate employee turned into full time yoga teacher. She began her yoga journey as a way to heal and be well, now she supports others in their journey to wellbeing with several modalities including yoga, qigong, pilates, functional movements, and chinese medicine. 

She is passionate about ancient and modern wisdom related to wellbeing, and yoga was the first framework she studied. She started practicing yoga in 2005, and after firsthand experience of the transformative power of yoga in her life, she began training with various teachers, and began teaching in 2013.

Previously she worked in several corporates in telecommunication, retail, and publishing industry. As a corporate professional, yoga practice improved her physical and mental wellbeing, her experience has been consistent with various research showing that regular mind-body practice reduces stress, improves flexibility, and enhances overall fitness and wellbeing. Her yoga practice also develop mindfulness that positively impact her focus, mental clarity, cognitive abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity. This background provides her deep understanding of the challenges and stress corporate professionals face and plan sessions according to their needs.

Work Experiences

Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk
Trikomsel Oke Tbk
Femina Group

Other Professions

Yoga & Qigong Teacher, Pilates Instructor, Chinese Medicine Practitioner


Product Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Dharma Usada (Pengobatan Traditional Tiongkok), Institut Nalanda, Jakarta
Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanchang, China
Satyananda Yoga, Australia

Other Certifications



Dextone (PT Putra Mandiri Perkasa), PT Kudo Teknologi Indonesia, Garda Medika (Asuransi Astra), MAP Active, Penerbit Erlangga, PT Verihubs Intelegensia Nusantara, STR Global, Klikdokter


bahasa indonesia,english

Bagikan profile Silvia Hendarta
Location Jakarta Member since 26 Maret 2020 Status Available Gender Female