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“Awaken the Hero Within You” with Erni (Ms R)
Are you ready to unlock your true potential and become the best version of yourself?
Meet Sri Erniati, known as Erni or Ms R, a seasoned Leadership, Self-Growth and Parenting Coach, and the founder of “The 'R' Coaching – Awaken the Hero Within You." With a passion for empowering individuals, Erni brings a wealth of experience and a unique coaching approach to help you unleash your inner strength and excel as a leader in various areas of life. She also assists individuals in cultivating joyful souls and enjoys guiding parents to a peaceful parenting approach, raising happy and successful children.
Background and Expertise: With over two decades of experience as an ESL Trainer and Teacher Trainer across diverse industries, Erni has a deep understanding of education and personal development. Her motivational speaking and workshop facilitation skills have inspired countless individuals to overcome challenges and aim for greatness.
Erni's strong passion for education has led her to participate in several programs organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. She has served as a reviewer for the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka program, acted as a guest lecturer in the Praktisi Mengajar initiative, and served as a curator in the SMK Pusat Keunggulan program. Additionally, Erni has been actively involved as an instructor in the Sekolah Penggerak and Guru Penggerak programs.
Erni's educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in English Language Education from Yogyakarta State University (UNY), as well as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) credential from Coaching Indonesia Academy and Emotional Intelligent Trainer from EnjoyingLifeSeries.ID. In addition to these qualifications, she has received specialized in-house training on leadership, management, business, and people development, which further enhances her capacity to help individuals unlock their full potential.
Coaching Philosophy: Erni's coaching philosophy revolves around "Awaken the Hero Within You – Live Happily, Aim for Legendary." Through her guidance and support, she helps you tap into your inner reservoir of strength and awareness, enabling you to lead yourself, your teams, or your organization more effectively. Her approach is rooted in reflection, self-awareness, and personal growth.
Why Choose Erni as Your Coach:
** Erni's coaching drive is fuelled by her commitment to helping you become the best leader for yourself and those around you. Her extensive leadership experience and mentoring background in various roles, including co-founding an international school and managing a contractor and supplier company, provide a holistic perspective on leadership.
** Throughout her 12-year tenure as a school director, Erni has collaborated with individuals from diverse nationalities, which has equipped her coaching practice with a versatile and dynamic skill set.
** Having interacted with numerous parents and students and her continues learning on today’s parenting, Erni possesses a broad perspective on parenting challenges and effective ways to overcome them.
** Additionally, her recently released first book titled ’10 Rahasia Memerdekakan Jiwa’ – Catatan Perjalanan Transformasi Diri’ (The 10 Secrets to Liberate the Soul – Notes on the Journey of Self-Transformation) has had a significant impact on inspiring many individuals in their quest for inner joy and personal growth. It's always heartening to see how books can positively influence people's lives and encourage them on their paths of self-discovery and transformation.
Beyond her professional endeavors, Erni actively engages in social activities. She serves as an advisor to a non-profit foundation for the disabled, advocating for their social and financial independence. Additionally, she supports a non-profit educational foundation, managing a Community Library, and has founded a free community school for underprivileged children and dropouts.
So, are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, parenting and leadership growth? Take the first step today and connect with Erni for your coaching sessions. Together, you'll awaken the hero within and live a life of purpose and legendary impact.
Contact Erni at srierniati14@gmail.com or via Visecoach and experience the profound difference coaching can make in your personal, parenting and leadership journey. Let Erni's expertise and coaching drive "Awaken the Hero Within You" lead you towards a more fulfilling and empowered life.
"As we grow older, let's not forget to grow higher" - Mari tidak hanya menua, tapi juga meninggi.' (Sri Erniati)
Bahasa Indonesia,English
Layanan Coaching dari Sri Erniati

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Apa kata coachee tentang Sri Erniati ?
Laurentia Sumarni
The coach helped me aware of my self-limiting negative thoughts, differentiating between empowering feelings and debilitating feelings, and aligning behaviors to match the ones that are empowering. I was encouraged to make changes in my life and to find aspects of my life that needed changing. I got to know what I should do to do what needs to be done. One way to do that is to build good relationships with the people in my inner circle. I thank her for her persistence and patience in helping me rise and see the good things despite the circumstances.
Laurentia Sumarni
Reflecting on my personal growth I experienced through coaching, I am struck by the transformative journey I have undertaken and the profound impact it has had on various aspects of my life. Coaching helped me explore my goals, challenges, aspirations, and ultimately fostered self-awareness, resilience, personal and spiritual growth. I developed self-awareness through thought-provoking questions and reflective exercises. My coach helped me gain deeper understanding of my values, strengths, and areas for improvement. I was enabled to make more informed decisions, set meaningful goals, and align my actions and behaviors with my values. In addition, coaching has empowered me to embrace and forgive the past, learn from past mistakes and navigate challenges with greater resilience. By reframing self-limiting beliefs and adopting a growth mindset, I learned to see obstacles and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth rather than being overwhelmed by them. Through the support and guidance from my coach, I was able to develop strategies to overcome setbacks, manage stress, and develop a positive outlook amidst adversity and challenges. All in all, I am grateful for the transformative and empowering journey with my coach. I was equipped with tools, insights, and courage to navigate life’s challenges, pursue God’s given goals, and maintain my wellbeing. As I continue to grow and evolve, I am grateful for her support and I am ready to embrace the next phases of my life with newfound clarity, resilience, and purpose.
Laurentia Sumarni
I was not aware that the negative feelings and emotions I felt in the past few months caused me to feel debilitated and diempowered. The lowest level emotions (guilt, fear, shame) I felt were paralyzing and bound my hands and feet from taking action. Feelings of inaction, lethargy, and pessimism caused me to run around in circles and hindered me from doing necessary things to get me move along. I was able to evaluate how the negative experiences in the past influence my current situations. I learned to confront my childhood trauma and twist the narrative to propel me upward. I came to make peace with the monsters and demons of the past, put them where they belong, and face the future optimistically.
April Lia Susanti
Alhamdulillah lega sekali setelah mengikuti sesi ini. Terima kasih ms, yang telah membantu saya mengatasi rasa kekhawatiran saya yang berlebihan dan ketidakpercayaan saya terhadap anak saya yang mulai beranjak dewasa
Pamungkas Ayudaning Dewanto (Yudha)
Ms R is awosome as usual🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 She doing her job professionally and she does know what she is doing and why she is doing it!
Betaria Larosa
This session has made me realize that to create a better life history, I need to consciously work on healing past wounds. Because my current doubts and uncertainties stem from unresolved issues in the past. Thank you so much, Ms. R. I feel grateful.
Siska ardhita - RANGKUL
Coach Erni betul betul bisa menggali akar dari permasalahan yg terjadi dari hal hal yg ga pernah terpikirkan sama kita. Baru 1 sesi tapi sy sdh merasa mndapatkan bgitu bnyak manfaat dan pelajaran yg sy dapat hari ini
Ali Harun, M.Pd. - Coaching Indonesia
Terima kasih banyak untuk sesi kali ini.. Dibagian ini saya bisa menyadari tahapan2 apa saja yang saya bisa lakukan untuk lebih yakin dengan apa yang harus dilakukan. Ketika berdiskusi tentang komunikasi efektif, saya bisa mendefine sendiri dengan meyakini komunikasi efektif bisa berjalan dengan baik apabila masing2 pihak mempunyai ekspektasi yang sama. Kekhawatiran tentang standard ekpektasi yang berbeda bisa didamaikan dengan melihat masalah menjadi sebuah ruang untuk bertumbuh. Ketika saya mengucapkan kalimat tersebut langsung ditujukan kepada diri saya pribadi menjadi lebih menerima dan bahkan bisa saja mengharapkan masalah itu untuk muncul. felling, thinking, behaviour.