Surya Sastra Sasmita

Leadership, Transformation Coach


Jakarta Barat

15 Coaching Hours


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Surya is a transformation coach who is also a licensed master practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming with more than 14 years of experience in HR, people development/transformation, and leadership. He currently serves as GM HR in one of the biggest group of company in Indonesia and has diverse experiences in the group of companies, manufacturing, venture capital, IT, natural resources, and shipping industries.

He also has experience as a trainer who focuses on developing soft skills and leadership with more than 1.500 hours of training. Some of the training that he often brings, such as the 7th habit of highly effective people by Stephen Covey, where the book with the same title continues to be a bestseller and is one of the most interesting books ever written that has empowered and inspired readers for more than 25 years and are instrumental in the transformation of millions of lives, across all age groups and professions.

His interest in learning what influences a person to take action led him to study and get a master's practitioner license in neuro-linguistic programming in 2015 where he became more aware of the workings of a person's mind through the words spoken by someone who made him better at helping people to optimize their true potential. The same interest also led him to learn more about human needs through a transform to outperform training held by  Applied Technology Sdn Bhd, Malaysia where he learned that every human being needs to be Aware, Accept, Acknowledge, Appreciate (4A). Through transformational leadership training, he also learned that to make a team perform more optimally it takes a head, heart, hands and the leader also needs to transform to be a coach.

His strong desire to facilitate people to become the best version of themselves also led him to participate pro bono as a facilitator for soft skills and also a mentor in a capstone project in the Bangkit Academy program led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek & Traveloka in 2021, where this program targeting 3.000 students throughout Indonesia to prepared them to enter the world of work or start-up businesses and as a capstone project mentor he has also succeeded in bringing one of the capstone project groups to be selected in the top 15 of the 500 groups that will receive funding from Google.

His dream to study people better and help people to grow and transform led him to become a certified executive coach and with all the knowledge he has gained as a trainer, experience, and license he has, he is committed to being a thinking, developing, and transforming partner who prioritizes your needs in optimizing every area of ​​life.

Work Experiences

•GM HR, Agro Manunggal Group, May 2022 - present
• Senior HR Manager, PT Margacipta Wirasentosa
• Head of Talent Management, Dynapack Asia
• Country HR Head, Innotech Asia
• Associate Trainer, PT Tridaya Karya Persona
• Talent Management and OD Manager, PT Salam Pacific Indonesia Lines
• Learning and Development Assistant Manager, Murdaya Holdings company
• Executive Recruitment Specialist, PT Smart Tbk,

Other Professions



• Executive Coach Certification Program by Coaching Indonesia
• Professional Coach Certification Program by Coaching Indonesia
• Transformational Leadership Series by Genesis1 Training Services Inc
• Masterclass NLP Indonesia “Mental Agility” by NLP Indonesia®
• NLP for effective training by Sinergi Lintas Batas
• Licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Sinergi Lintas Batas
• Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Sinergi Lintas Batas
• Transform to Outperform 2 by Applied Technology Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
• Transform to Outperform 1 by Applied Technology Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
• Train the Trainer (7th habit), Internal training
• 7th Habit for highly effective people by SLI Consulting
• Extraordinary Leader by Business Growth
• Powerful Presentation by Dunamis Intermedia
• Smart Selling Skills by C&G Consultant
• Competency-based Human Resources Management by PPM
• Business Process Improvement by PQM Consultants
• Corporate Balanced Scorecard by PQM Consultants
• Problem Solving Decision Making by PQM Consultants
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt by ECI Bisnis Manajemen (Expert Club Indonesia)
• Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt by ECI Bisnis Manajemen (Expert Club Indonesia)
• Lean Six Sigma White Belt by ECI Bisnis Manajemen (Expert Club Indonesia)

Certifications and Credentials

• Certified Executive Coach
• Certified Professional Coach
• Licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
• Certified Human Resource Manager

Other Certifications

Licensed master practitioner NLP, CHRM


Bahasa Indonesia,English

Apa kata coachee tentang Surya Sastra Sasmita ?

Bayu Bagas Wara
2 years ago

Coach membantu menyadarkan saya untuk lebih mengenal diri sendiri dengan baik. Pendekatan yang dilakukan Coach membuat saya lebih terbuka dan lebih menggali pribadi saya dengan baik. Very recommended Coach

Fanny Murhayati
2 years ago

Surya adalah coach yang sangat luar biasa sabar dan sangat reliable. Dengan gaya bicaranya yang membuat saya nyaman untuk menceritakan topik yang ingin saya bahas. Dari pertanyaan2 yang diajukan sebagai coach, membuat saya sebagai coachee berfikir mencari alternatives supaya menjadi lebih baik

Yenni M. Djajalaksana
Yenni M. Djajalaksana
3 years ago

Sejumlah brainstorming dan thought provoking questions dari Coach Surya membantu saya membantu menemukan hal-hal yang tadinya belum terpikirkan oleh saya dalam pengembangan karir dan pencarian pekerjaan yang baru. Terima kasih untuk sesi yang bermanfaat dan produktif. Style yang tenang dari Coach Surya cocok untuk saya.

Yenni M. Djajalaksana
Yenni M. Djajalaksana
3 years ago

Pada sesi coaching ini, saya merasa menemukan satu hal yang tadinya tidak saya pikirkan, yaitu jenis pekerjaan yang sebetulnya mungkin paling sesuai dengan kondisi saya dalam jangka pendek. Coach Surya adalah coach yang tenang dan bisa mengarahkan saya ke satu perspektif yang tadinya merupakan blind spot. Saya menikmati sesi coaching dengan beliau karena sudah membangkitkan beberapa ide yang tadinya saya sempat abaikan dan kesampingkan menjadi satu hal penting yang perlu saya pertimbangkan untuk karir saya.

Bagikan profile Surya Sastra Sasmita
Location Jakarta Barat Member since 8 Oktober 2021 Status Available Gender Male