Yasmine Kristanti

Self Growth And Career Coach



Bergabung, Nov 22, 2020


Completed Session


Total Coachee


Coaching Hours


Total Review

Coaching Philosophy

Yasmine Kristanti's coaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that every individual has inherent abilities, potential, and talents. Her role as a coach is to guide clients in recognizing and harnessing these qualities. She uses a blend of motivational techniques, strategic goal-setting, and personalized coaching methods to help clients gain clarity, build confidence, and take decisive actions toward their aspirations.

Journey to Coaching

Yasmine's journey into coaching began during her career in advertising when she led a team and realized her passion for helping others grow. She was driven by the desire to see her team members develop personally, gain visibility, and achieve the best in their lives and careers. This experience inspired her to pursue coaching professionally, as she believes that everyone has the potential to succeed, and sometimes, they just need someone to guide and illuminate their path.

Finding Passion and Purpose

One of the most fulfilling aspects of Yasmine's coaching practice is helping clients rediscover their passion and purpose in life. She guides individuals through a transformative process where they reconnect with what truly drives them and find meaning in their actions. By identifying their core values and passions, clients can align their personal and professional lives with their true purpose, leading to greater fulfillment and the ability to positively impact others. Yasmine's approach ensures that clients not only achieve their own goals but also become a source of inspiration and benefit to those around them.

Key Areas of Expertise

- Career Development : Helping clients create actionable plans to advance their careers and achieve their professional goals.

- Personal Growth : Facilitating self-discovery and personal development to enhance overall well-being and life satisfaction.

- Wellness & Health : Incorporate wellness and health into their daily lives with practical, compassionate support.

Services Offered

- Individual Coaching : Personalized one-on-one sessions designed to address specific personal and professional challenges and goals.

- Group Coaching : Facilitated group sessions that encourage collective learning and mutual support among participants.

Qualifications and Certifications

- Certified Professional Coach (CPC) : International Coach Federation (ICF)

- Bachelor's Degree in Accounting


"Overcame burnout and achieved a better work-life balance, resulting in increased productivity and personal satisfaction for myself". Career Woman, 30 yo

"Rediscovered passion and purpose in life, reconnected with what truly drives me, and found meaning in my actions". Housewife, 38 yo

"Learned to prioritize mental and physical health, leading to improved well-being, increased energy, and a more positive". Mother of 2 Children, 43 yo

Contact Information
Email: yasminekristanti@gmail.com
Phone: 08119772715
LinkedIn: Yasmine Kristanti

Work Experiences

- Senior Account Director at Bates Indonesia

- Account Director at Mata Angin Creative Agency

- Associate Account Director at Lotus:H

- Account Manager at Double Tape

- Senior Account Executive at Hakuhodo Indonesia

- Account Executive at OgilvyOne Worldwide


Universitas Pancasila, S1 Accounting

Certifications and Credentials

Certified Professional Coach


Generasi Cakap

Komunitas Gajah

Personal Coachee

Apa kata coachee tentang Yasmine Kristanti ?

Cecilia Astri - Happy Coachee
5 months ago

Saya senang sekali mengikuti sesi Coaching bareng Mba Echie. Dari pertemuan pertama hingga terakhir, saya dapat banyak pandangan dan masukan terkait business plan yang saya mau bangun. Pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh Mba Echie dalam bertanya/menggali informasi pun menurut saya sudah sesuai sehingga membantu saya untuk mencari tahu lebih dalam lagi jawabannya. Terima kasih ya, Mba.

Cecilia Astri - Happy Coachee
6 months ago

Sesi Coaching kedua menurut saya lebih luwes dan hidup. Di sesi awal, Mba Echie membuka sesi dengan membahas event yang sedang saya tangani hingga akhirnya mulai mengerucut ke topik utama adalah diskusi mengenai business plan saya. Pertanyaan dari Mba Echie dapat membantu saya tetap fokus meski kondisi pikiran lagi ga baik karena faktor kurang tidur. Terima kasih Mba Echie untuk pencerahan, diskusi dan tukar pikirannya hari ini.

Cecilia Astri - Happy Coachee
6 months ago

Sesi pertama berdiskusi dengan Mba Echie memberikan banyak insight dalam cara berpikir. Ide-ide yang tadinya kusut perlahan diurai dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan. Terima kasih Mba untuk sesi diskusinya yang daging banget. Saya menanti untuk sesi coaching berikutnya.

Sari Anggoro - Happy Coachee
7 months ago

Coaching session 4 ini membuat saya menyadari skala prioritas hal yg lebih saya sukai. Thank u coach Yasmine..

Christa Gabriella - Happy Coachee
9 months ago

Sesi kali ini jadi sesi paling berkesan. Karena di sesi ini, banyak refleksi dari sesi-sesi sebelumnya. Selama jadi coachee dari Mbak Eci, aku ngerasain banyak perubahan dalam hidupku. Di sesi awal, aku bener-bener buta & gak tau mau ngapain dalam hidup. Di sesi ke-dua, mulai tau mau apa & Mbak Eci membantu untuk bisa mengarahkan aku untuk punya tujuan jangka pendek. Di sesi ke-3 ini, Mbak Eci sangat membantu untuk aku yang berproses untuk menerima banyak hal. Yang mana, ada hal yang bisa & tidak bisa aku kontrol. Mbak Eci banyak memberikan arahan untuk bisa membedakan kedua hal tersebut. Di sesi selanjutnya, kita akan melakukan evaluasi, apakah aku bisa melewati berbagai hal yang sebelumnya menjadi kekhawatiranku atau tidak.

Rahmi Riani - Happy Coachee
9 months ago

baru satu sesi udh langsung bs membuka pijiran, mantap.

Sari Anggoro - Happy Coachee
10 months ago

Excellent coaching on this session 👍👍👍👍, good job coach yadmine

Aulia Kurrota - Happy Coachee
10 months ago

Sesi kali ini menyadarkan saya akan inti permasalahan dalam diri saya sendiri yang sesungguhnya. Coach Echie menyadarkan saya akan pentingnya memiliki tujuan hidup dan membuat hidup berarti bagi orang lain.