Zeena Rimba

Transformative Coach


Tangerang Selatan

50.25 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


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Meet Zeena Rimba, the empowering growth coach who lives life by the motto "Carpe Diem" and wholeheartedly believes in seizing the day without regrets. With a passion for personal and professional transformation, Zeena is dedicated to helping individuals like you reach new heights and embrace positive changes.

With a strategic and insightful mind, Zeena's approach to coaching is one of a generalist; she thrives on continuous learning, exploring new horizons, and finding innovative solutions to even the most complex challenges. Zeena's unique perspective, as a self-proclaimed misfit, allows her to see the world from a fresh angle, guiding you towards transformative growth.
Drawing from her impressive educational background in Industrial Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Zeena effortlessly grasps the bigger picture while paying meticulous attention to critical details. Her extensive experiences encompass a wide range of expertise, from excelling as an all-round HR professional specializing in Learning & Development, Compensation & Benefits, Industrial Relations, and HR Management Systems, to venturing into Risk Management, Internal Audit & JV Audit, Business Process Improvement, and Corporate Governance.
Certified as a Professional and Executive Coach accredited by Coaching Indonesia, showcasing her dedication to honing her coaching skills to empower clients like you.
At the heart of Zeena's coaching approach is building self-awareness and igniting the desire for positive change within you. She will walk alongside you, creating a personalized journey tailored to your goals and aspirations, offering unwavering support as you embark on this transformative path.
With a skillful grasp of Problem Solving, Improvement, Human Resources, Governance, Audit, Risk Management, and Intrapersonal Skills, Zeena possesses the tools to help you unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself.
If you're ready to embrace personal growth and embark on a transformative journey, Zeena Rimba is the empowering growth coach ready to walk alongside you. Together, you can seize the day and unlock your full potential, leading a fulfilling and purposeful life.
Are you ready to embrace personal growth and uncover your better version? With Zeena Rimba as your empowering growth coach, you can seize the day and embark on a transformative journey, leading to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Work Experiences

All round HR professional (L&D, C&B, IR, and HRMS)
Risk Management
Internal Audit & JV Audit
Business Process Improvement

Other Professions



Industrial Engineer - Institut Teknologi Bandung

Certifications and Credentials

Global Professional Human Resources
Certified Professional Coach (Coaching Indonesia)
Certified Executive Coach (Coaching Indonesia)

Other Certifications



Bahasa Indonesia,English

Layanan Coaching dari Zeena Rimba

Mindfulness in the Workplace
Mindfulness in the Workplace

Capai keseimbangan dan tingkatkan fokus dan produktivitas kerja melalui latihan-latihan mindfulness bersama Wellness Coach and Mindfulness Instructor...

Improve Communication and Confidence
Improve Communication and Confidence

Bangun kepercayaan diri dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, terutama jika Anda bekerja di lingkungan yang menuntut berbicara di depan orang atau kelompok....

Apa kata coachee tentang Zeena Rimba ?

2 years ago

Coach Zeena sangat mindful dalam presentnya dengan pertanyaan2 nya membatu saya menemukan clarity dalam pikiran saya Sukses terus coach Zeena..

Yohan Hendriana
Yohan Hendriana
2 years ago

Zeena dapat memberikan pertanyaan yang dapat membangkitkan coachee untuk ekplorasi lebih luas dan memproses ide-ide baru sehingga dapat mendukung coachee menemukan persfektif baru.

Bagikan profile Zeena Rimba
Location Tangerang Selatan Member since 12 Januari 2023 Status Available Gender Female